Seeing 11:11 and 11:1
I literally saw a post on this here on OD and I freaked out! Lol
So I have repetitively been seeing the numbers 11:11 and 11:1.  Whether if it’s looking at my clock and it happens to be 11:11 (A.M. or P.M.) or a random video on the internet showing the number…or even a billboard with either one of those numbers…I see it everywhere!
At this point…something is trying to get my attention. Â But I am seeing it everywhere like I am some kinda crazy person!
I hear differently things, but kinda want to know what it means.
That was my post you saw!  I was told it is my guardian angel trying to get my attention?  I don’t know…
@catholicchristian you’re right… it was your post 🙂
Yeah, I don’t know either.  I’ve been seeing the number for the last couple months….even more so this past month.  Hopefully I can figure out what it officially means soon
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Last week, all week I kept seeing repeating 1 and 2 numbers. A little scary, but very telling. I am ready for come what may!
@lightweaver Same here!
@angelgrl87 Trying to get a feel for working around this Open Diary platform. Think I’m getting it. What I took away from all those repeating numbers was, “Stay the course, keep shining, and get ready”. Most likely you must have been getting similar things. I’ll tell you, since, I have stayed resolute and unworried about the state of things in the U.S.
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