My Mom’s In The Hospital 
A few days ago, my mother went to the hospital for pneumonia like symptoms. It’s not COVID (thankfully). They ran a test on her for COVID and it came back negative.
Even though my mom’s results were negative, the still put her in isolation due to the fact they found bacteria in her blood. It has me super worried about her and the rest of my family.
Since they moved into their house in Oklahoma (on the border of Texas), my nieces and my mother have been getting sick.
(A little clarification: my mother, brother, sister, my 2 little nieces -whom are toddlers- and my grandma live under the same roof. Yes, it’s crowded …lol)
The house they live in is a very old. It was built back in the 1940’s, if I’m not mistaken. Since my mom and nieces keep getting sick, it’s a good possibility that they have black mold in the home.
I’m worried that the situation my family is in will get worse if they don’t leave. My mom has pneumonia and bacteria in her blood. My nieces also keep getting sick. They, too, also have gotten pneumonia…multiple times!
It’s just a bad situation and they all just need to move out of that place.
I’m super stressed out about the situation, in general. They are my family. I hate the thought of anything happening to them. And my mom being in the hospital has made me lose sleep. When I try to lay down, I have a lot of tormenting thoughts about her. I’m trying so hard to be positive and encourage myself in this situation. It’s hard.
Keep my family in your prayers or thoughts.
I hope your mother gets better!
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I’ll keep your family in my prayers. I hope everyone starts feeling better soon.
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