Feeling a little Freer

Since I’ve been able to express myself in this OD from time to time…and a change in my diet, I’m starting to feel a lot better about myself.

Its been a long, LONG, process…but I am starting to feel a lot better.

The last few entries I’ve made, it was a very dark and lonely time for me.  For years, I haven’t been able to express myself the way I wanted to.  It was like I was holding secrets again…kind of like how I did when I was being abused.

Now that I have…I’ve had this sense of peace come over me.  That’s all I ever wanted…peace.

Some of my entries I find to be childish and immature. However, some of those entries were years of suppressing those feelings because I wasn’t able to express them in a healthy way.  Some were even from over a decade ago.  Crazy…

Also, I’ve been doing Keto and I’m very surprised how the diet has changed my moods completely.  I’m more energized, I’ve been in a better mood lately, and I haven’t had a panic attack or anxiety since starting.  Wow.

Needless to say, I’ve been happier ☺️.  I get up early in the mornings now and enjoy to sunrise.  It’s a amazing!

Anyway…just thought I’d give another update.  Hope y’all have a great day! God bless!

Much Love,


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Glad you’re feeling better