Where does time go?!





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It has been over two months since my last entry. I log on almost daily to read all my favorites but just never really make the time to write.

In those two months a lot has happened. At the end of April, I got sick with an infection and was pulled from working for two weeks. In those two weeks we bumped up our vacation to Florida (originally planned for end of May), went and had a good time with a few bumps in the road. I was due back in work the weekend after we came home. We drove to Florida, by the way… with two kids! We left for home on Thursday and my infection came back. The trip home was the worst in my life. On the way home, I called and made an appointment to see my doctor the following morning. By the time we rolled into home, I was so sick and incredibly weak. I had a head cold on top of the infection. Anyways, went in to see my doctor and my heart rate was 110, blood pressure was low, and felt like death. She ended up sending me to the ER via 911. Fun ambulance ride. They couldn’t quite figure out what was up but the end verdict, after staying overnight and having just about every test known to man done, the verdict was that I was battling some type of viral infection. Upon arriving home, a doctor called me to let me know my infection had returned w/ a script and to follow up with my doc in a few days. Followed up with my doc, she switched my antibiotics and did more blood work.

In the end, I wasn’t allowed to go back to work until June 1st. The antibiotics made me feel better but it took a good week to get my strength back. Thankfully the infection did not come back again and my doc has cleared me but gave me a big warning to be extremely careful. I have to be careful at work and careful with antibiotics I take in the future. If I go a year with a relapse, usually you are done.

We had a good time in Florida despite Gabe having a pretty nasty head cold. Everything we tried to do it turned out to be damn hot. We’d like to go back next year and do it right… and if we do, we’ll be going EARLY in the year. I want the kids to be able to do Disney and SeaWorld next year.

The kids are getting so big. My sweet peanut turned 2! Seriously…how does that happen!? She’s so independent and sweet all at the same time. She is definitely going to be a challenge as she gets older!! And with her blonde hair and baby blues we are in trouble!

Gabe finished preschool for the summer and has 4 y/o preschool this fall because of his late birthday. Just think…next year my firstborn will be starting Kindergarten and my baby girl will be starting preschool!

I turned 24. Where does the time go. I feel like it was just yesterday I was 20 with a tiny baby and screwing up my life, haha. I started back at work on the first and while it’s taking me a little while to get back into the swing of things and catch up on everything it’s working out. I miss being home with my kids, though. I honestly loved staying home with them and just focusing on school. But working is good for me, too.

School. I dropped the Nursing major and decided to go for my Associate Degree in Accounting. I’m honestly excited. I started my actual accounting classes this summer and am really enjoying it. Unlike with the nursing program, I am able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. If I really tough it out, I should be able to finish at the end of next summer. If I still work my butt off but not make myself go crazy, I will FOR SURE be done by the end of 2013! The nursing program would have taken a lot longer with petitioning and everything and honestly.. I don’t think I’ve got the stomach. I’m tired of working healthcare…working holidays/weekends. And with an RN, it’s a good possibility that would be a forever thing and it’s just not something I want.

<span style

=”font-family:"Trebuchet MS","sans-serif"”>After my associates is done, I plan to a University for my Bachelors while working. I will probably give myself a 6 month break depending upon whats going on in life and go back.

So yeah, that’s life right now…full time classes, working, and taking care of my babies.



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