Moments of the Heart

Hello all. I realize it’s been so long since I’ve written here however I’ve been around reading entries a few times a week. A good friend reminded me that it’s been quite some time, so thank you for that. 😉

Well…life as it stands. My sweet baby girl is now 9 months old… 20lbs, 28inches and growing like a weed. She is truly a joy and I can’t imagine life without her. She’s starting to crawl, pulling on furniture/toys, and babbling like crazy. We had a really rough couple of months with her and it turns out she just has certain issues that make her more prone to health issues. Back on Halloween, we ended up in the ER late at night for high temperatures and an inconsolable baby. Turns out she had a UTI. I never even thought of that. She got better from that, but got little colds along the way along with teething. At the end of January, she was sick again. I took her in and they told me she had a double ear infection and a normal cold. Okay, so they put her on amoxicillin. A few days later, she was waking from her nap. I went in to pick her up and as I did, her eyes rolled and she went limp in my arms. I was preparing to call 911 as she woke suddenly. Called the doctor, told me to bring her in. Turned out she had RSV and the passing out was a good sign of respiratory distress. They contemplated hospitalizing her that night but in the end let me bring her home. She came through that okay…it was a really rough week. By the end of the week, she suddenly broke out in horrible hives all over her body. She had been on amoxicillin a few times before, and we were 6 days into it. Turns out, she had an allergy to that. Both JP and I are allergic to penicillins, so that wasn’t a huge surprise to me. The poor girl looked awful, she had hives upon hives EVERYWHERE.

Finally we got through that bout of everything. -sigh- A few weeks later, she started having high temps yet again…suddenly her hands/feet/mouth would turn blue and she’d start throwing up. I thought she a strain of the flu among getting her bottom teeth in so I chose to ride it out. Bad idea. Day before Valentines Day we ended in the ER yet again. She had another UTI. We had testing done to make sure her kidneys are functioning normally and they are. She is just more prone to UTIs, I guess, because of the way her urinary tract is. Doctor told me I shouldn’t feel bad…I could change her every second of the day and give her as many fluids as possible but it’s just how she is. The last few weeks have finally calmed down and been smooth sailing. However, I’m constantly on high alert. I’m afraid that all these issues she has are leading up to some big medical issue. I am almost positive I have experienced some type of seizure activity with her..although there is no way to prove this…it’s more of a wait & see game. But one of my cousins has really bad epilepsy so I’m trying to stay positive.

My big boy, Gabe is growing so big, so fast. He’s in preschool three days a week now. He absolutely loves to get into new things, color, play with Thomas the trains, play with his baby sister, etc. It’s something new with him every day. I can’t believe he’s already 3. Time flies. Thankfully, he has been in fairly decent health. Doctors believed he also had RSV but did not get it to the extent that Maddy did because of his age. Both kids were on inhalers and having a hard time breathing for awhile.

I’ve also switched jobs. I now work at a 23 bed assisted living facility. I couldn’t take my old place anymore…management was down the tubes, they didn’t give a crap about their clients, staffing was horrible. I stayed a temp there..but so far nobody has called me to pick up any hours. It’s nice though..because instead of 5 days/week 4 hours a day. I’m down to 2-3 days with 8 hour shifts. However, lately I’ve been working a lot more than that because they’ve had slight staffing issues as well. But going from 5 clients to 23 has not been easy and it’s worn me down. However, the shifts go by so fast because we’re always moving.

Well, I will leave you with some pictures of the beauty babies and a promise to write a tad more often.

Seriously…how can you not love these little faces…

This is when Maddy had hives..






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March 2, 2011

Awww she’s so cute and so is Gabe! Glad you stopped in to update. I hope her health problems start to get better, that has to be so scary for you! Hope to see you more often in here! Have a great rest of the week! >^..^<

March 3, 2011

You have some beautiful kiddos.

March 3, 2011

They’re beautiful!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

March 17, 2011

They are both so beautiful!!!!!

March 23, 2011

OMG so adorable! I’m glad Maddy is doing better!! 🙂

March 30, 2011

Ryn: Thank you!