Little Miss

Just thought I’d write a tiny update on Little Miss. We had our 2nd ultrasound today because she didn’t cooperate for the first one. It was so neat to see a baby this far along in pregnancy.. everything on the screen is so much more defined & clear.

The good news is they got all the pictures they needed…now we just have to hope that everything is okay. The u/s tech spent A LOT of time looking at her belly which concerned me a bit. Little Miss was playing peekaboo with us and scooching all around- she didn’t seem to like the u/s wand very much.

The u/s tech gave us SIX pictures. Some profiles, which I’ve always wanted but never gotten before. At one point, she focused on baby’s face and she looked JUST LIKE Gabe. I thought I imagined it, but when I mentioned it to JP later he knew just what I was talking about and agreeing with me. Normally he’d tell me I’m I know he saw what I saw. lol.

She’s head down, with her entire body in my right side…which explains my pains in the right rib, her spine is literally right there.

Oh, and they are 100% sure she’s a girl.. yay!

She’s absolutely gorgeous..can’t wait to meet her!

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February 26, 2010

Awww how cute. Do you have names picked out?