Just can’t get into the swing…

I’m not sure what my problem is lately, but I have been incredibly lazy. I just don’t feel like doing everything all day long. Homework, laundry, clean, clean, clean, more laundry, work, etc. I’m doing okay in my classes but I haven’t been putting in the time like I should. I wonder if this is the devil of online classes? Nobody to keep me on track. Hm. Also, in my psychology class we don’t have assignments or projects… only an exam every couple of weeks. Definitely not good for me, a person who can read an entire chapter…go back a few times when I realize I’ve just been skimming…and still come out of it not having taken anything in. Oy, it’s going to be a LOOOOONG semester.

It’s now winter, so it’s a bit colder…which means we can’t do the kids favorite thing every day which is going outside to play. Seriously, they LIVE outside in the summer. So its been a bit rough. I’m running out of ideas and truth be told, I’m just as bored as they are. I need to get be brave and get into more crafty things with them. We have a ton of playdoh, but it turns into a big mess.. but they love it. I’m trying to be better about bringing them out in the cold..we take walks to Grandmas, to the park, etc. I’m always afraid if we go out in the cold, they have a better chance of getting sick..which I know isn’t true. Oh come on SPRING!!

On a positive note, they are growing and changing so much. Gabe got an AWESOME progress report this past week, and Ms. Shelly had nothing but good things to say. She inquired as to our intentions for next year(they do a 3 program and a 4 program) and when we told her he’d be returning, she was pretty happy. 🙂 It’s weird to think about it…we probably have another 3 years with her. Next year Gabe will be w/ her, the following year Maddy will go into her 3 class/Gabe into school. I have no idea what I will do with my time when they are both gone from the house. Next year Gabe will be gone M/W/F from 8:30-11. He’s learned so much compared to his old preschool. He has such a sweet spirit. Granted, he is naughty at home with us at times, he’s incredibly well-mannered with his sister and other kids.

Maddy is a spit fire and hitting her tantrum age. Oy. I’m in for it with this little girl. I know it’s been very hard to punish her and easier to make excuses like "oh she’s just a baby, she doesn’t know any better." However, she’s older now and she DOES know better…but it’s still very hard to punish her sweet face. Her vocabulary is endless, and it seems like only yesterday we were bringing her home. In just 4 short months, my BABY girl will be 2! I’m so proud of her and love her to pieces, but she is so very challenging.

When Gabe was around this age, people began asking me if we were going to have another. It took us a long time to decide, but Gabe was only 2 months older than Maddy is now when we found out we were pregnant w/ Maddy. I think  he was a bit more mature and less baby like at that point than she is, though. Having another now seems crazy. Back to my point..people have begun asking AGAIN. When will the madness stop. We have thought it long and hard, daily..and come to the conclusion that now just isn’t the right time. I WANT another baby, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not willing to put in the 2 years of "hard knock" time as I like to call it…the pregnancy, the labor, the exhausting first year, breastfeeding, not sleeping through the night, dragging half the house out when we go out, etc. It’s so nice to be able to grab their shoes/coats and just get in the car and go. Especially not now w/ me working almost fulltime, going to school a bit over part time, JP working a lot of hours. But it’s very tempting when you have all the materials…big enough house, big enough car, all the baby supplies.

Speaking of car, it was time for our 2007 Chevy Equinox to retire. It bounced over 100,000 miles and was acting up. Check engine lights, stabilitrack lights(which is everything in the car’s "computer") and a lot of money in to it to fix it. Add on that it still wasn’t paid for and it just didn’t seem like it made a lot of sense to fix. We started to look at used Dodge Journeys and the newer style Dodge Caravan/Chrysler Town and Countries. In the end, we found a dealer that worked with us in incredible ways and got us into a new 2012 Dodge Caravan SXT… Power doors, power lift gate, all the toys.. I’m soooo in love. The kids love it too! It’s so much safer, more comfortable, and so much more convenient. And on the plus side, if another baby came along we’d have the room.

I should go do some homework(or uh…catch up on my shows) Goodnight all.

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March 1, 2012

RYN: I’m doing ok. You can read all about it.