It’s a good life.

Well, life is definitely good, my friends. I have two beautiful, healthy children who keep my days busy and my nights even busier.:) Miss Maddy is growing like a weed. I’m not quite sure of her measurements because she doesn’t go to the doctor until 2 months, but I can definitely tell. She’s already changed so much. Somebody stop the ride, it’s going to fast. She’ll be 5 weeks old on Saturday.. it’s totally unbelievable. She’s still on the same schedule, eating about every 2 1/2-3 hours, and SOME nights I get a four hour stretch. I’m taking a whole new approach on parenting with her, and it’s turned out quite nicely. We co-sleep, we breastfeed, and we baby-wear. It makes life so much easier. Our Moby wrap has become our absolute best friend and about the only piece of baby things we use every day. Maddy doesn’t like her swing, but will tolerate her boppy or bouncy chair for only a few minutes, usually.

This past week she’s picked up a very heart-warming activity- smiling!! She’ll smile at me pretty much every time she is fed & changed. She has even started coo-ing occasionally..and laughing in her sleep, it’s hilarious. She melts my heart, really. I’m so in love with this little girl, it’s rediculous.

And my beautiful firstborn.. Gabe has done so well with Maddy. We haven’t had any issues of acting out or jealousy. He loves to tell everyone his baby sister is beautiful, and will often ask for her if she’s not in his immediate sight. When he wakes up in the morning, if he doesn’t see Maddy almost immediately, he’s up my butt asking where she is. 🙂 Yesterday she cried out and I couldn’t get to her immediately, and he went over and gave her her gumdrop(pacifier). Yesterday we went to visit daycare and he had an absolute blast with the kids his age. I’m considering putting him in daycare 2 hours/day a few days a week, just for the socialization. I think it’ll be good for him. I have to discuss it with Aimee, the director/my old boss, but if they have the room I don’t think it’ll be a problem. We might have to start out slow, I don’t want him to panic that I’m leaving him- but on the other hand, he might not even care. It’s so hard to say. But he NEEDS something like this. I can’t keep him around me, and family members as much as he has been..he needs some kids to play with. Maybe we’ll do a Tues/Thurs or a MWF schedule. (And I could use the 2 hour break, trust me.. I think Maddy and I might make it naptime. lol)

JP and I are as well as can be expected. We get along great, we just don’t really have the time for one another like we used to. We spend a ton of time together as a family, and later in the evening we usually tag-team it.. he’ll take care of Gabe and get him asleep, and I take care of Maddy.. and then I’m so damn tired Maddy and I usually head off to bed. I haven’t been able to bring myself to leave Maddy with anyone yet, so we haven’t had a date in almost 6 weeks- very unusual for us. I’m DYING to see Eclipse when it comes out, so that may be the first time I leave her. Yikes! I’m just not sure who I want to leave her with.. it has to be someone who respects my wishes and will follow my instructions with heart. My mom.. well, I have always trusted her with Gabe..but she’s a totally different person than she was when Gabe was a baby. And she’s very focused on Gabe.. I’d be nervous she’d ignore Maddy, as bad as that sounds- it’s very true. I considered JP’s Mom, but she doesn’t always follow my rules if she doesn’t agree with it(like when she tried to give Gabe water at 2 months, when I specifically told her BABIES DO NOT NEED WATER, mk). We shall see.

We’re leaving for a family vacation on the first and returning on the fifth. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to this! We need the family time and break from JP’s working and the neighborhood. We’re taking my dad’s camper up to our favorite’s secluded enough for JP, close enough to civilization for me, and has a playground & pool for Gabe. And Maddy..well unless they have a booby buffet, I think she’ll be okay throughout the weekend, lol. We considered doing Noahs Ark as well, so that might be an option. I had wanted to get Maddy’s tattoo done on myself that weekend, but nobody to watch the kids. Oh well, the pain can wait. 🙂

Well I should get off my butt and get some of this cleaning done. For some reason, my house was cleaner when I was working…hm. Somethin wrong with that picture!

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she is absolutely beautiful

July 3, 2010
July 3, 2010