Gabriel Joseph- 2 years.

 Gabriel Joseph


I realize I don’t do any more big updates on Gabe anymore. He hit all his major baby milestones and is just continuing to grow like a weed.

He had his 2 year check up today.. he is almost 32 lbs and 34 1/4 inches tall. Normally he is really afraid of the doctor and cries the minute we get into the room. Today was not completely without tears, but he even laughed with the doctor. Doctor said he is very healthy and according to his assesment, is functioning on a lot of the same levels as a three year old. The doctor asked me if we would be getting Gabe any of the flu shots, to which I replied no. I normally get him the annual flu shot- but since it is getting so late in the season(they cancelled his appt for it back in November) I decided to go without. He doesn’t attend daycare and seems to be in relative good health. The swine flu shot was a definite no. It’s too new and I just don’t feel comfortable with it as a mommy. (I didn’t get one either) I was surprised that the Doctor didn’t give us any grief over it, like they normally do. The doctor also told us that most boys potty train between 2 1/2 and 3 1/2. He said they will decide when they are ready and not to push it. Once again I was surprised.. this doctor has always been trying to push on things like this. At the very end, Gabe had to have blood drawn. He only sniffled a little bit, cried more when they wiped his nose.

As for the binky, we officially kicked that habit on January 4th, 2010. Yes I realize he had a bit longer than he should have(okay, a lot longer) but I felt it was his comfort item. He has since replaced the comfort of binky with his tickle me Elmo which is his constant companion when he goes anywhere. Today when we arrived at the doctor, he found one in the car(damn, I thought I had them all) and Daddy snatched it before he could even think about it. He kinda fussed over it a little, but soon got over it. We tossed it in the garbage on the way to the office.

As for potty training, I ask him nearly every diaper change if he wants to try going on the potty. 9/10 times he will tell me no. He has sat on it a few times, but has yet to go. I’m thinking of buying him one of those little potties, instead of the potty seat that goes on the big person toilet. I really want him out of diapers by the time this baby comes, which means I have a little less than 5 months.

Gabe’s language and mass vocabulary are amazing. Everyone is always so amazed with how well he talks and how he already has the words for everything.

He is pretty well-behaved, with the normal fit every so often. He does better when he’s home with me than when he is with my Grandmother(who babysits 2-3 days/wk).

His favorite characters are Elmo, Curious George, Scooby Doo. He loves watching movies, playing outside, tickling/wrestling, running through the house on his trycicle, etc. I have to admit he is very much like his mother.. he’s stubborn and likes things his way. He reacts better to compassion and a soft voice than he does to yelling.

He’s very social. Anytime we go somewhere, he wants to play with other kids. He is shy with other adults, but once he warms up will talk your ear off.

I enjoy him every day. He is such an amazing child to be around and so smart. Gabe also has one of the sweetest soft sides I’ve ever seen in a child. I know I feel guilty a lot for things I can’t do with him, or things I don’t.. but I must not be doing too bad.

He says that he is excited to have a baby sister and will give her lots of kisses. I’m skeptical on this one.

🙂 Here’s to hoping this little girl will be just as sweet and smart as her big brother.

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January 13, 2010

Wow 2 already! I agree with the doc, when he’s ready he will be potty trained, my son was 3 1/2 & he decided at 8 PM one night he was going to wear big boy pants and from that time on he was dry. It would be nice to only have one in diapers (i had 2), but he might regress when the new one comes along, who knows. but get him a little potty and some books for the Potty time and who knows! 🙂 >^..^<

January 13, 2010

he is such a cute baby! uh big boy! Happy B-day!!!!Girls are usually the exact opposite of boys….get ready for being upset over nothing…lol girls are way pretty though!I hope your daughter is really good though! I have been following you since Gabe was born.

January 14, 2010

Wow! He’s gotten so big! I can’t believe it’s been two years already. Seems like just yesterday you were fussing over a newborn. Glad to see he’s doing so well. 🙂

February 26, 2010

Aw, my nephew just turned two also! He’s a very handsome young man. 🙂