fuck my parents.

Well, what can I say. My parents had their divorce hearing today. I guess it went pretty well. Even though less than a week ago, my mom was telling my dad how she wanted him back. He told her he didn’t want to break Ellen’s heart after what she’s already been through, so she was all crying and saying she waited too long. And now everything seems to be back to being crappy divorce and she’s happy with fuckhead again. She came to me today and wanted me to go with her to the bank to refinance my car into my own name so that she can take her loan into her own name and take my dad off. My car is currently in mine, but she is my co-signer. I needed one to keep my interest rates & payments down. I still need one, I’m sure.. unless I want to look at an awful interest rate. I got kinda snippy because I’m tired of getting the raw end of this deal with my parents. Gary was all "Well, you can refinance and get a lower payment…" Yeah, fuckhead, I could if I want to refinance my car and take out an even longer loan. No thank you. Stay the fuck out of it, thanks. I will go with my mom to see what the bank has to say, but I am NOT losing my gapcoverage, taking a higher payment/interest rate, or highering my payments. It’s not my fault she decided to fuck around and leave my father. I don’t even see why it’s a big deal that my dad’s name is on her loan. It wouldn’t be, but you know who has a problem with it. Gary. He wants her to be done with my dad on all terms. Whatever. Birthday parties for Gabe should be lovely.

Supposedly Ellen wrote my dad a letter about her feelings or whatever. C’mon, you guys are 50 years old and have known eachother less than three weeks. Grow up. She told him not to say much at the divorce hearing, because it’s all about money..keep his answers to a yes/no. Well excuse me, hun.. but I don’t believe that’s any of your business. I haven’t met her yet, and while I felt bad for her when my mom decided to interfere and want my dad back, I’m quickly getting a bad taste for her as well. She needs to back off my dad, and Gary needs to back off my mom and LET THEM HANDLE THIS, for cripes sake. It seems like Ellen is playing this big sympathy case.. she had an abusive childhood, a shitty husband, and a really hard life. Right. Gag me, thanks.

As far as I’m concerned, I no longer have parents. They both are becoming selfish assholes who don’t even care to see their grandson, or their daughter for that matter, half the time. My world was turned upside down by this, and nobody cares to even ACKNOWLEDGE that. Fuck you all.

I never thought I’d feel this for my parents. Guess life throws you lots of curveballs, but I haven’t quite learned how to swerve this one yet. Time to cut a lot of ties with them.

I don’t know what I’m going to do for Gabe’s 2nd birthday. True, things could be very different in three months. I know Gary won’t want my mom to come alone because my dad will be there. And Ellen has been sound posessive as well. I can’t very well invite both my parents and their playmates…anyone say awkward? Plus my mom doesn’t want my Dad to meet fuckhead, and Ellen doesn’t want to meet my mom. -sigh- GROW UP, PLEASE. For the damn sake of the situation.  I’m so tired of all of this, I could cry..honestly.

I haven’t met Ellen, but I know that I’m already feeling resentment for her for sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. Both the playmates need to understand there is way more involved in this than them. They’re both selfish.

Ugh. I wish I had a sibling so I could bitch to them and see if I’m being too harsh…

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August 28, 2009

Awww. I can only imagine what you are going through. I’m sorry about your parents divorcing. I wish you and your family the best, though. Take Care.