big ol’ rant/vent.

Okay, this is just going to be one big rant. So if you don’t want to add any negativity into your life today, I suggest hitting the X.

I took Gabe today to get his picture taken with Santa. You bet that I stood in that line for a fucking hour, with my kid all excited to see Santa… to get up there and have him throw one of the biggest crying/kicking fits you’ve ever seen. Yep, that’s right folks.. I stood in line for an hour for my kid to kick the crap out of a stranger in a cheap ass Santa suit. -sigh- I felt like crying right there with him. So, I pick him up and walk out into the mall part. He won’t go back in his stroller, he won’t walk, all he’ll do is cling to my shirt. We then went on to get some food.. he throws a fit because I’m not letting him walk wherever he wants. We get our food and he barely eats. Then as we’re leaving I’m trying to get his coat on and he’s fighting me. Finally, I grabbed him up, put him in the stroller, and latched it. And not only that, while I’m struggling with my child to get his coat on, some bitch is already putting her shit down on the table. Excuse me. I haven’t gotten my kid out of his seat, cleared his things off the table, NOTHING. RUDE. AH!!

In the meantime, JP is off doing something for one of mommy’s friends. He calls me, asks if I’m taking Gabe to see Santa today(as we’re only 3 people from seeing him) and then proceeds to hang up on me. WTF. I call him back later, nothing. Then he calls me back and says "Well, that’s kind of important to do without me, don’t you think?" and I replied "Yeah, maybe it is.. but next time FUCKING TELL ME instead of hanging up on me. I don’t read fucking minds. And besides, we waited in line for a damn hour for your kid to throw a fit so you didn’t miss much." And I hung up. FUCK THAT. He’s the one who’s always off doing something for Mommy lately.

It’s rediculous. Anytime he’s home at nights(and I’m at work) he won’t clean anything. He barely ever helps me with the housework, and I have to nag him to death to get any of it done. I clean before I go to work.. and I come home to a seriously messy house and a few things that I asked him to do undone. I’M DONE WITH IT. I’m sorry but until he can afford for me to stay at home and have all day to clean this house, he’s going to help me. I’m not going to be one of those pretend happy do everything maids. Nope. We both have jobs and lately I’ve been working more hours than he has.. he can fucking help me. Everynight when I come home from work he’s got his ass on the computer. No wonder he doesn’t get anything done. He told me the other day "You clean more than you did before you were pregnant." Yeah. I am 16 weeks pregnant and I do clean more, because you clean less, you dickhead.

And his mother…don’t even get me started. I don’t know what the hell her issue is lately. It’s like she’s jealous that he has a family to spend time with now. CONSTANTLY calling him to do things for her, constantly calling in general. Inviting herself along everywhere, making us pay for her… SO FUCKING DONE.

Yeah…you guessed. I’m done. I’m fucking done. And I still have to leave for work at 1:30. Uh huh. And I’m sure JP won’t be home by then, like he said. And I’ll, once again, be solely responsible for my son and finding someone to watch him last minute because he always lies to me. 

Damn it all to hell. Work, here I come!!

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December 12, 2009

I have fallen in love with Gabriel! He is SUCH a darling! Feel like eating him up! *laughs* Loads of kisses and hugs for the little bunch of joy!

December 12, 2009
December 12, 2009

I think it’s a man trait – the not cleaning! When my hubby comes home from being gone all week for – he usually wants a meal ready and the house clean. Now I’ve been working 6 days a week, and he’s been home and I come home to things not picked up and asked what I want for dinner or what I’m making. GRRRR It must be some gene they have! Have a relaxing time at work LOL! >^..^<