Big News!!

So it’s definitely been awhile since I’ve written here. I can’t help it…life just takes over sometimes. I haven’t stopped doing school(not even for a summer break) since I started last fall. Add on kids, an almost fulltime job, JP who works a TON and we’ve got chaos. Full fledged, crazy, beautiful chaos. But I do have some very BIG NEWS!!


It’s not a baby!





It’s not a job change!!







It’s this…


We’ve taken the final plunge into adulthood and bought our first home. This is our soon to be new home. We should be closing by the end of the week but definitely by August 31st. I’m so excited! 1700 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, three levels, attached car garage, fenced in backyard, huge patio…. oh it’s everything! I call it my "Father of the Bride" house. I’m truly excited for this next step in our lives.


It’s about 15 minutes from where we live now in a beautiful area with lots of children and wonderful schools. We are only two blocks away from a lake… the beach is there for the children to play. I’m so excited… we finally have a house that will fit our family and our ginormous dog.

And those beautiful little blondes?


Still Absolutely. Gorgeous. They are so much fun and fill my days with so much joy.


They are very excited to be able to get to do their bedrooms!


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August 20, 2012

Congrats!!!! That’s so exciting!! And omg, the kids are just so precious! Beautiful children!!! So happy to see you so happy =) XOX

August 20, 2012

what a neat house!! Can’t wait to see inside pics!! Congrats on being an “adult” now! LOL Your kids are so so cute, love the blonde hair & blue eyes, but I was a towhead when I was little too with big blue eyes, so I’m a little prejudiced! Have a great week! >^..^<

August 27, 2012

Congrats on the house!! Its gorgeous!!