20 weeks.

I had my 20 week appointment today. For some reason, I was really nervous about the results of the ultrasound. We got there and they had me get on the scale(oh joy) and I gained one pound, which puts me up only 4 pounds thus far. Not bad for halfway through. Blood pressure was fine, yada yada. When the doctor came in, she looked up the results of our ultrasound. Turns out everything looked okay, but we’ll need another one in 6 weeks to get a better picture of baby’s heart. This made me a bit nervous, but I’m hoping baby was just in a weird position and it turns out be fine. When asking about her movements, I told the Dr I don’t feel her as much as I did with my son.. and she said "Well, she only weighs about 7oz, so as she begins to gain more weight, you’ll feel it." lol. I told her the ultrasound said baby was 13oz and she seemed really surprised and asked me how big my first one was. Looks like we have another hefty one on our hands. =/

We go again in four weeks for our normal 24 week appointment and the glucose testing. And then from there, another two weeks we’ll have to go in for the ultrasound. Two weeks after that we’ll be at our 28 week appointment and after that they start having you come in every 2 weeks for normal appointments. So I only have 4 weeks and then I’ll start going to the doctor every 2 weeks, oh what fun.

So on the upside, we’ll be getting another ultrasound and hopefully she’ll still be a girl then. lol. I’m kind of glad that we’ll be getting another and be able to confirm.. I don’t want to bring a baby boy home to a pink bedroom. For now, I will just keep receipts for everything I buy.

We’re totally buried in snow. I think our area got pretty close to a foot of snow. JP has been out plowing our neighborhood since we got home from the doctor. I think tonight we’re going to the big mall about 45 minutes away for some dinner, browsing, and hopefully the big Carters store. I LOVE PINK CLOTHES. Sooooo excited.

Gabe was awesome at the ultrasound. I was surprised, when the baby was on the screen he would make comments and when the tech rolled away from the baby he knew she was gone. Sometimes it’s hard for me to make out those images. He says he’s excited to have a baby sister, and he’ll give her lots of kisses…but I’m not holding my breath.

He’s growing up so fast. I can’t believe by the time this baby gets here he’ll be 2 and a half. It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating his first birthday.

How does this…


Grow into this in only 2 years..

JP and I have had a wonderful relationship these days.

I feel so blessed. 🙂 I couldn’t ask for any more.

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January 8, 2010

Oh wowza. Has it really been so long? He’s turning into a little /person/! He’s all standing up and walking around and stuff! Blows my mind.