right now, its time to KICK OFF THE JAM MOTHAFUCA

people tend to slip in and out of my life on a consistant basis, for the most part i dont let the ones that matter slip away so easily.

public relations. relationships in general, the bottom line that no body really NEEDS anybody.. is there some reason you stick around? what keeps us in check?

ive met some pretty chill cats latly, lost a few others. i swear its that to the 10th degree factor or whatever…everybody knows everybody through somebody somehow…which is fine by me, the more the merrier and the more my nights are spent learning instead of re-caping.

because thats what we do. we sit around in our circle, bounce off ideas and throw around the same memories. i love dissecting people. riping them apart, figuring out what makes them tick. what keeps their heart beating. where do you stand in regards to politics, the economy, god, life, death, earth….i wanna know…

its hard to share the latter with them. the thoughts i have are best on paper at most.. makes me miss jordan. and joe. those insightful conversations where we’d pick a topic and rip it apart until we realize its 5 hours later and the sun is coming up.

lighter note:
the day is absolutly perfect, the kind that would be a sin to leave your windows closed. the breeze is ever so slight, the clouds are huge puffy-animal clouds…

song in my head: Pale Blue Eyes_The Velvet Underground

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