Lazy liza jane

studying grass
and not the fun kind
the turf kind, for turf grass management class.

so funny. i study plants… my parents said “go to college” i said “ok i like plants” and BAM im walking around state parks and enjoying nature at its best.. i work in a lab (which sounds all kinds of good on a resume) messing with soil day in and out.

not to mention the perks of this knowledge around the house 😉

yesterday was beautifully perfect. Me and the best buds hit up shooting star state park and spent the day cascading the cliffs and sloshing through the flooded creek.

found a cave… mark dubbed it his home when either A.)the economy goes to shit or B.)the draft is re-instated

i told him we’d have to duel for it 🙂

cards didnt do so hot against Houston (totally thought we had the come back in the 9th)…at least Kansas won (hate saying that being a Mizzou fan and all, but had them winning in the bracket so fuck yea)

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