“Thank You For the Music”

Last week at this time I had just come home from Mama Mia. It occured to me that during the craziness of last week I never did write about my impressions on the play. This shall now be remidied.

The short version: I loved it!!!!

Expanding on the short version: The music (ABBA) is wonderful. Very up and catchy, makes you want to dance and sing along. The story has some great messages too. Friendship and love, growing together with your friends despite time and distance, being young, having fun, drinking pepsi (ok, not the last one.) I can’t wait to see it again!

It was also great to spend time with my dad. That’s always been our special father daughter thing, seeing a show together. Even when we didn’t get along as well. And now that we do it was even more enjoyable. It’s tough to explain in this format. I grew up in a two parent home but in many ways it was my mom that raised me. It’s only within the past few years that my dad and I have built a strong relationship that wasn’t based on bickering and sacrasm meant to keep him at arms length. And I’m really glad for that! I realize how lucky I am. That most people don’t change after 18 years of being one way. I’m grateful my dad isn’t one of them.

Anyway, this lost a lot of the feeling I had from the show. I guess cause it’s a whoel week later. It’s not really conveying the magic I felt while i was there or why I was so happy to get the soundtrack yesterday and why the music has been stuck in my head ever since. But at least its something.


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