Oh Wait, Forgot Something
So on the way to the train yesterday Rachel said she’d see about setting me up with her friend Josh who goes to Drexel. I said that’d be cool…and then completely forgot about it. So then last night RAchel calls and says she wants to give me Josh’s email and IM. So I call her back and get it and go online just to see if he’s on and he is. We chat for a little bit and I told him how my friend goes to Drexel for electrical engineering and he tells me that’s his field. So i ask him if he knows Ben and he’s like “yeah, we met at orientation! I keep meaning ot give him a call actually” and then I tell him how i know Ben from Central and he’s like “wow you went to Central, so you prolly know Mike S then.” That’s the Mike whose in San Jose now who helped in the socks saga. Turns out they went to elementary school together. Talk about a small world!!! The convo was cool so who knows.
Anyway, it was nice of her to set me up and at the very least I’ve made a new friend.