
now some other things of note.


my successor seems really cool; i like her a lot. the ranting was definitely premature. now that we’re in contact and emailing back and forth a lot, i think i got lucky. maybe it’s making up for the ‘karma’ or whatever in not having a predecessor myself, i don’t know…. she’s buying a lot of my stuff. i’m selling it all half-price what i bought it for but it still comes out to a lot and she’s being amazing about it. all the furniture, appliances and stuff, it all comes out to about 85,000yen. and that’s half-price what i paid! yikes… it’s wonderful though. i’m leaving a fair amount of free stuff for her too. more than i planned because she’s buying so much, really, i feel like i should. plus really detailed notes about the schools and teachers. i hope it helps. she’ll probably be overwhelmed at first; i want things to go as smooth as possible. 


cleaning. i have a lot of cleaning/sorting to do. i wish i could just pack it all up NOW but i have to wait another two weeks before sending my luggage off ahead of me to narita, so… don’t want to crush everything into the suitcases just yet. wish i could though. would make the cleaning so much easier. 


i sorted through my underwear. that was today’s productive task. i found my virginity panties, seriously me? i’ve been holding onto them all this time..? i didn’t even know they were still there. o_O at least i can say now that i have tossed them out. sometimes i find things i’ve held onto for a long time and i’m shocked by my own sentimentality. i mean i still carry around a bead necklace a boy gave me in the 1st grade. i have no frame of reference of whether that is normal behavior or not. question mark?


i need to sell my PS2 and keyboard piano but the thought of posting them onto the prefectural facebook group is… ~shudders~. posting stuff on facebook just makes me so nervous, in a social anxiety kind of way. when i start thinking about everyone looking at the posts and judging them and commenting on them and omg what if they think i priced the items too high??? i can’t! i just can’t. i should tell this to my psychology friend, i bet she’d be fascinated. 

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July 5, 2013

I’m the same way; I find it difficult to throw things away. I Attatch sentimental value to things.

July 5, 2013

U getting the ps4?

July 5, 2013

can you sell your virginity panties on facebook? that’s a new concept for me. I tried googling it, but I don’t think I know any more than when I started. big change for you. is there a job waiting for you when you get home? are you going home? there’s always thailand, right?

July 6, 2013

ryn: washing dishes is bad for your skin. so is scrubbing floors. don’t ask how i know. just call me Cinderella. speaking of skin, how’s that red spot doing?