
i just want to move already! aaaaahh it’s only been a month but i can’t stand it, not really doing anything. once i move i can actually sort through my stuff (it’s all in weird box/suitcase limbo) and get settled and meet people and start working and exploring.

september 13. that’s only like two weeks… right?


most of my dreams are japan-centric. a fair amount of them involve still trying to do last-minute before leaving stuff… and my apartment almost always figures in. it always seems to have hidden areas and rooms that i never really noticed before. that’s not really that far from the truth since japanese places are kind of like that, with little hidden storage areas everywhere… and that apartment especially, with the layout it had — i did get that feeling frequently enough… but it gets taken to an absurd extent in my dreams. my departure was so rushed… i had so little time to finish up my job and pack and say goodbye before leaving; i’m not surprised it’s still haunting me in my dreams.

i want to know if i kept the CDs that i burned and used to play in my car there; i have this weird feeling like i had to throw them away because i was running out of room in my suitcase… arggg i hope i didn’t, i want to listen to them again now. i could probably recreate them i guess, i probably remember the tracklists enough, but still. they’re nostalgic! they remind me of those long drives through the mountains up to higashiyama…… and i can’t really dig through my stuff to find out until it’s all moved and i can open everything again.


on another note my successor is having a bizarre amount of trouble with that car… like she says it just dies on her now, 5 times in one attempted trip. i feel bad because yeah it is a crap car but it never died on me… it was always faithful! i like to think me and that car had an aisou ga ii type of thing and now it’s rebelling against a new owner. it seems it would rather be put down now that i’m gone. 

my new car is ~okay~… it’s been more trouble than we anticipated. we had to fix kind of a lot of things to get it shipshape from the previous owners… about $2000 total. all to be expected, nothing too crazy, i mean it has 95,000 miles so a lot of it was just stuff that it was time to fix anyway… but yeah. and there’s still little things, like there’s an issue with the seatbelt on the driver’s side getting stuck, that was quoted $500 to get fixed. it’s not really worth it for $500 so i’m just living with it for now, but it’s annoying.


fuck i hate texting. i need to write out a formal statement that people sign agreement to when they ask for my number… something about how in requesting my number you accept that i am the world’s worst texter, and i might cause you no small amount of frustration when i don’t respond to your texts for days on end. it is the price you have to pay if you want contact with me.

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August 28, 2013

i hate it when people text me and get all dramatic when i don’t respond immediately. ryn: i don’t want to go to thailand. i want you to go to thailand and post pictures. vicarious is the best way to travel. besides, the idea of you stuck in texas depresses me.