Chaos Walking

July 21st = miscarriage #2.
End of July = appointments to confirm, etc and the rollercoaster of my hormones re-regulating. Plus, stupid in-law fuckheads doing some of their crisis melting down shit, including asking for money – which we would have sent anyway but it itches my ass that the stupid bitch asked at all. Anyway.
Beginning of August = Hubby waking up in the first panic attack of his life in the middle of the night and getting stuck in panic mode for 1.5 weeks. Then us trying to organize doctor and counselling appointments and the rollercoaster of him getting used to new meds.
Not sure if he/we will even be able to go to Egypt in mid-September at this point.
Trying not to think too hard about any of it. Trying to avoid approaching any kind of spiral. Truthfully, I feel okay. But if anything else “big” -ish happens in the near future… I dunno.

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