Eye opener
So I have been working on myself lately.
It’s been deep, insightful and exciting.
I am manifesting success in my life and kicking goals out of the water but I was thinking of the things that I would do to myself to “deflect” my own power and I realized something HUGE.
In the past I would give my power to the other stronger women in my life and see them as someone amazing worthy of worship almost.
But this last month I haven’t done that, I was talking to my husband last night and it was then that I realized that the person I TRULY admired was ME all along.
The version of me that I am capable of being, not the me I show the world but the ME I know I am, the me I am when my gaurd is down and I am at peace with myself.
She is the power house of a woman that I truly admire, she is strong determined, beautiful, kind and everything that I admire in people.
I’ve taken this power back, it’s mine and no one else can have that part of my power again.