I think I might be done… *edit*
I’m pretty sure i’m FB friends w/ all of you, but if not, please add me. facebook.com/amandacolene OD seems to be going up and down a LOT lately and i don’t want to lose contact w/ any of you. hell follow me on twitter if you’re so inclined: twitter.com/pickleslut (follow at your own risk. i don’t tweet much but when i do i can’t promise it won’t contain swear words or sexual innuendos.
with OD that is. everytime i really start to think about starting to write again the site goes down and the DM (who has had PLENTY of genuine offers to buy the site) act like the site doesn’t matter to him. there just isn’t another site like it and i’ve made so many connections here (one that led me to alabama) that it feels indescribably sad to be leaving. i may pop back for favorites (gotta be around to see pics of BlueSun’s baby when she’s born!) but beyond that i’m just done. i downloaded my diary (in a shitty ass text format because apparently you have to pay to get pdf. seriously. worst site management ever). i’m just sort of frustrated. i have several issues that no one will address, the helpdesk is STILL down and poor EWS is the only one doing anything.
I might be done too. Glad have you on facebook xx
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We’re fb friends but will follow when on Twitter xx
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