The Fall of the American Empire

Ok people, Food for thought for a change. Although it’s been pointed out by so many, I can’t stop thinking about the Fall of the American Empire. The problems in modern day America parallel very closely the problems during the Fall of the Roman Empire. So closely and carefully, it’s mostly hard to ignore. For those who don’t know, I think it’s time to enlighten. (By the way, who do you think will be in the next draft for World Power? My bid’s on China.)

1)Public Health During the decline of the Roman Empire, the Romans were experiencing serious environmental problems and health problems. (Many of the environmental factors obviously contributed to human health) In this sense, the comparison is easy (although, it is in so many other areas, too.) We’re the only industrialized country without government healthcare. We have more children on the street and in impoverished homes (ie, living below the poverty level) than any other industrialized nation, also. As far as environmentally, we’re only too happy to tear down the trees around us and put up parking lots, not to mention the pig shit geysers in the middle of the US. (Small time pig farmers gave way to larger, more industrialized pig farming after Bush passed some less strict environmental laws. Small time pig farmers were able to use the pig crap for fertilizer, but company owned farms put the pig shit into huge vats with thinly lined plastic that allows the poo to seep into the Earth, and thusly peoples drinking water. Yum. Not to mention the shit that sprays forth when it gets warm out. or the stench for miles around.) It’s obvious we’re not to keen on taking good care of our people or environment.

2) Political Corruption Another major pitfall of the Roman Empire was the inherent political corruption. Eventually, the Emporer was decided by whoever bid the most for the seat. Although it’s rather hard to avoid in any government, America is certainly not lacking in this area. Especially under Bush, the ties to Big Business and the benefits passed for big business are undeniable, even to the most naive observer. It’s not merely a coincidence that so many of our uppers are also uppers in huge businesses which profit from things like invading Iraq. (Bush put more money into Government Defense stocks right before invading Iraq. Hmmm… Oddly, they shot up afterwards. Who’d’a thunk it?!) Paralleling the Roman Empire, it seems whoever has the biggest big business ties these days takes office.

3) Unemployment Going hand in hand with health issues, people without jobs in this country can’t get doctors. In the Roman Empire, many small time farmers were forced to sell their farms because they could not compete with the low prices of of farms owned by wealthy men who could use slave labor, and thusly sell their crops for cheaper. Sound like pig shit geysers to anyone?

4) INFLATION Even if you’re five, you can’t deny that you’ve noticed that things are so expensive now, from gas, to goods, to produce. Things are costing more now; end of story… and wages aren’t really going up much. Things are getting more expensive, and much like in the Roman Empire, there are too many bills and not enough gold. Really though, you can’t deny inflation. It’s 1.50 for a 20 oz pop some places!

5) Military spending The war on “terror” is costing Americans billions of dollars that we do not have. The Roman Empire had a huge mass of money spent on defending the borders of the Empire. Eventually, many soldiers lost their will to fight for the Empire. (This can be seen in America back into the 60’s, and especially in the 60’s… and possibly again if a draft is instated. Draft dodging.) Another well-known and undeniable fact is that America is spending immense amounts of money to wage a war on an inanimate object. Under this same pretense, The Roman Empire engaged in wars it couldn’t win. Under this pretext, it not only spent too much money, but over burdened itself in taking off more than it could chew in its later years. Similarly, this War on “Terror” is something that cannot be won. What I find superbly amusing is that people take this title seriously. If I said “War on Pie Tins” people would just look at me confusedly and wonder why I’d declare war on something that doesn’t fight back. You can’t ever eradicate terror or terrorism. To eradicate it would mean world domination, and it would still happen within your borders. Terrorism is a means of making people notice you. Whether it’s good or bad isn’t the discussion, but people will always want to be noticed for their cause.

In the end, I think these points in addition to others I didn’t cover give a pretty good semblance of how paralleled the two Empires are. And please folks, don’t forget history repeats itself. But fear not my pretties, there’s always Canada.


oh yea, and it’s my BIRTHDAY! 🙂

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these are all excellent points, I’m pretty much in 100% agreement. Bush is greasing the skids to take us down this chute as fast as possible, too. China is still a big question mark but it has huge potential for economic and military power. Its authoritarian leaders have impeded its rise through stupid policies, but it seems the best bet for next superpower. Davo

wow i completely agree! we were just talking about that the other day in history… the key factors that time and time again lead up to the fall of a civilization (the ones you listed, plus apathy and higher and higher standards of living, ect) are happening to us. although, then my history teacher went on to say that bush was going to save us from all of this. *blinks* i raised my hand to comment

but she knew better than to call on me o=) heh… anyway, yeah my money’s on China too they have insane man power and nuclear weapons and of course… economy. not someone you want to piss off.

I don’t know if the above person knows the difference between North Korea and China… I don’t think a country will immediately take power if/when America falls. Britain and France have historically been very powerful, which means that if China tried to gain control, there would be quite a war (possibly World War III?). My money is on Europe (yes, the whole continent).

I agree that America will probably fall in the same fashion of the Roman Empire, but for different reasons. I think the main corrupting factor in our culture is immorality. We need to take a new direction or else we are headed for a catastrophe.

Haha…it was only a matter of time before someone brought (im)morality into it. America will fall because of gay marriage and abortion… What a sad state of affairs.

Happy birthday! Before you said “don’t worry, there’s always Canada” I was going to suggest that Canada always has room for you! I’ll be waiting here! 🙂 if you want to note me back… i’m always on aim or you can find me on bloop! ciao for now chica!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I know I’m late. I also didn’t read your entry, I’m sorry, because… I can’t be bothered with tod anymore. but I just wanted to drop you a line. maybe I should have emailed or something. but I had nothing to say. (Since when have I ever)

I return…

I agree with you as well. As I was reading the entry I was thinking “there is always Canada” too. Then I saw it at the end and I felt happy. My freind made up the IBIRMTCC (If Bush is re-elected move to Canada Commitee) and Im a proud member. Sadly, I cant move to Canada. Im still a minor. Its just a much of a free counry and they never get involved in anything.They have 3 gun murders/year.

As compared to us which have more than 10000 I think…or something. either way its in the thousands..And canada has way more guns than we do. So sad. Well I have to go. Take care -Cheri

“He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.” Jesus wasn’t just talking about individuals. Nations that uphold a creed of warfare will be destroyed in warfare. That’s one of the many reasons why I learned Spanish, so I can get the hell out of here when that day comes. D. Michael Sparks