Goodbye to Hellos.


It’s been so incredibly long since I’ve written in a diary.  In fact, the last time I really blogged was when TOD was still around.  It’s so incredible.  I need to do it more often… and I so prefer typing to writing, though I do feel that that’s a lost art.

I flipped out on my roommate and her boyfriend last night.  Partially because he’s a dick and partially because my PMS is worse than it has ever been before (I usually never get angry), but probably mostly because I’m having my 23 year old midlife crisis.  Okay, so quarter life crisis, unless I die very early. 

What am I supposed to do with these two college degrees I’m receiving in May?  There are no jobs.  I don’t even know what I want to do.  I mean sure, I have the job I’m in now, and I could make it into a career, but I’m not positive that’s what I want anymore.  And everyone I work with tells me I need to get out of retail and do something "bigger."  They keep telling me I need to do something "big."  What if I don’t want to?  What if I’m sick of achieving?

Then, I can’t figure out why, at  23, I suddenly feel so damned old.  I feel like time is crushing me.  Like I need to get married (and have kids, but that part hasn’t really surfaced for me yet) asap.  Of course, for my 21 year old boyfriend, this is insane.  It’s most unfortunate because I can feel how scary it is to me, so it must be terrifying for him.  That’s certainly something I can understand.

Well, thank goodness for the purring kitty next to me.


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February 8, 2009

Take it from me … there is no rush! I got married when I was 20. I turn 24 in less than 2 weeks and I’m 30 weeks pregnant and going thru a divorce. Oh, and I’m a college freshman. THERE IS NO RUSH! Congrats on graduating! You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do.

February 8, 2009

ryn: yeah I’ve been around for a while.. I leave and come back randomly. I know what you mean, I’m 21 and I’m feeling old. I’m graduating in may and I’m freaking out about what i’m going to do next. life is so unpredictable and scary now that i’m older.. what happened to cartoons and fruit snacks? I want that life back!

February 9, 2009

RYN: Openly bisexual. People make a lot of stupid assumptions though, she hurt my feelings. My brother is in the same boat as you, but he just let things be and is letting them roll out. He’s finally feeling like he knows what he wants to do. There really is no rush. What are your degrees in?

February 9, 2009

Getting married is a blessing bestowed upon someone by God when He deems them of appropriate age and maturity. Perhaps God wants you to do something else before starting a family. If it is something that you really want, however, go for it.

February 19, 2009

hey always. YAH! I watched Fargo… what a film…

February 24, 2009

Glad to see you writing. Was in you years ago who did that awesome picture of you sitting in front of the mirror? The one with a person who is fully clothed in the reflection of the mirror but has all their clothes off with a view of the back of the person.