
I’m average.

No, that’s not an insult to myself. It’s true. You’re average too. We’re all the same, with a few people who are notable exceptions, but I doubt you personally are one. I’m not trying to upset you, or tell you that it’s wrong to be average. That’s your own misconception, that you are unique, special, or incredibly supercalifragilisticexpealidocious. It’s something that’s been beaten into your head since you were two: you’re different and wowee you sure are neato, and it’s good to be like that.

To an extent, I suppose that’s true. Your favorite color may not be mine, and you may like prune juice for some odd reason. Your primary feature may be jealousy, integrity, beauty, intelligence. Choose your potion, really. In that sense, you’re kind of different.

But you’re not really.

Beacause from my view, (keep in mind this is my view) we all want the same things. We all want the exact same things, and our personality is derived from how we view the best ways to get it. Why do you think you’re a little bit different with this friend than that? Because you’re so amazingly multi-faceted, or because that’s what gets you what you need? Our personalities are merely derived manipulations.

excuse the cynism, I’ve had a bad weekend. But yes, I really do believe we’re both completely average.


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amen.just out of curiosity, who do you think is a notable exception?kati.

From a genetic standpoint, we’re all so similar that rounding up to any reasonable extent would mathematically prove we are all the same.

your background image is decidedly average…

alright… it appears my browser was playing evil tricks on me, or was I just imagining the purple and black background this entry had?

isn’t it weird how we’re unique like everyone else? I agree with you– we all want the same things and mostly have the same emotions. Some people even have similar experiences. Yet, we all feel differently because we are told no lives are exactly alike. It’s all interpretation, i guess.

hmm… interesting point of view… nmb 😉

yeah I still have your email address in my contact book 😉 feel free to email me whenever you want are tod backgrounds going insane or is it just me?

just wanted to say hey and see how you were. hope all is well!

i’m sorry you had a bad weekend hope your next one goes better