It’s as simple as nothing more or nothing less

Sometimes its better when you don’t fight back or scream and yell, instead if you say nothing at all and stay very calm people will wonder what’s really going on your head. There’s no point to open your mouth and say a word, instead just stand or sit there and say nothing. Just agree or nod your head, show no expression on your face and let them wonder what it is that your going to do next.
Its quite funny when to watch people can’t all wrapped up in being mad and making such a big deal when your sitting there without a care at all. They get madder and madder as the time keeps going on and your still not reacting at all. It becomes something so unreal and so amusing. People getting so caught up in being so anger and soon the truth comes out. No one realizes how truthful a person can be when they are mad.
I refuse to allow my self to get caught up in something that is not my concern. I’ll just sit back and smile as everything unfolds its self. I’m going to love when the knots that have tangled them self’s up are going to untie them selves when they reach the very end its going to be like someone light a bomb. I suggest everyone take cover now and be ready for the explosion…..


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