Complete Twist

    So wonder something different, take a big step back and take an outside look at your life. Can you sit there and say you know who your real friends are, or that everything is working out how you want it to. The truth of the matter is just this. We make a world up as we go along, so the truth is something we never have to face. When the real world becomes to hard to be in we close our eyes and keep telling our selfs its not real anymore. 
  Sooner or later reality has to come into play and it just comes out of nowhere and its like being slapped in the face with a two by four. We build our selfs up to think we can face the truth but when the truth is brought up, everyone seems to run scared. When is it time to stand up and be like yes I know the truth. Then be willing to stand there and take everything that is thrown at you. 
    The complete twist to the whole thing is just this, No one is what they seem to be. Everyone has a side to them that’s hidden until something big happens for that side to show its self. The only thing is are you willing to open your eyes and face that not are all friends are real and some people  just might not be meant to be in your life. 
   There’s nothing we can really do about life and how it may turn out for us. There are just somethings that cannot be helped. Either way we have to learn how to face them and just not care as much when something doesn’t worked out as planned.  This is how the world works out what else are we to do?

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