Eclectic updates including why I’m absent lately

For those of you that didn’t know, I am a Redditor ( and my username there is All_Your_Base (go figure:-)). Casey Leigh found me and said hi. Anyone else here on Reddit? I joined a year ago after leaving Digg, and comment there rather voraciously. This is, I believe, a major reason why my posts here have diminished. I am attempting to rectify this sad imbalance.

From my Reddit overview page:

1,000 link karma
48,867 comment karma
6 months of reddit gold remaining
redditor for 1 year

My coffee cup today one I got from Waffle House.

I have a new desk. It is three sided and well rounded. Today, I get to put it together and move my old desk stuff to it. This is mandatory because my current desk is where the Christmas tree is suppose to go.

I am currently rereading Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series.

The pool is closed up. I should have done it earlier. Note to self: close earlier next year; they call it FALL for bloody good reason.

I wish Steven Brust would publish the next book in the Vlad Taltos series.

I have a 1 pound bag of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, recently acquired, that I am saving for a special occasion. New Years Day football games, for example.

I found a forgotten box of Thin Mints Girl Scout cookies in the freezer! Yay!

My motorcycle is now on the battery tender for the winter. This makes me sad. I admit that I am a fair weather rider and cannot wait for Spring to roll around.

I promise to make entries more frequent.

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December 17, 2011

Frozen thin mint cookies are the best.

December 17, 2011

Oreo seems to have a delectably comparable cookie; with a splash of icing inside, but otherwise it’s identical to the mint cookies I’ve enjoyed from Girl Scouts (they’ve only come to my house once, lol.) I have heard of Reddit, but I keep my head burried in the sand on such things as I have never learned impulse control and one’s list of vices need to be kept small 😉 *happy sigh* Been a long time since I read Asimov. I should fix that.

December 17, 2011
December 26, 2011

ryn: I haven’t given it much thought. Whenever I do, all I seem to come up with are things that I have zero control over which just depresses me.

December 31, 2011

Was thinking of you. 🙂

February 8, 2012

Every time I try to click on your Reddit profile… I break Reddit 🙁 Geeze, do I have to put on a strip show to make you come back? :p (No task is too trivial in the name of friendship 😉

April 18, 2012

Your line about Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee brings a song called “Caffeine is My Drug of Choice” to my head, because the song mentions Jamaican Blue. The singers are an a cappella group from Florida called Toxic Audio. They have one member who does a wicked awesome bass guitar, and another who can scat like no other. I highly recommend them for a new style of music. Also: There is nothing better than a frozen Thin Mint. Except for maybe an ice cream sandwich made with vanilla bean ice cream and frozen Thin Mints. Hi. How’ve you been? *grin*