Listening to something that I know practically the whole lyrics to…
Yeah, that and a bag of chips!
I had my oatmeal and eggs. Now I am drinking lemon water… it tastes like 7-up without the bubbles or sugar.
I had a nightmare, I dreamed that I bought more tech, and Mom took a shitfit.
Eh… what are y’all up to then?
That song looks old school? I am drinking a cuppa coffee and trying to see my tv but the sun is coming up and shining on it bloody sun! I am a Moon Girl!
@mermycohea It is from the mid 80’s.
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I just had my breakfast sandwich and it was good. Idk what today will bring. Errands? I’m drinking chai tea and don’t like things like lemon water if there’s no sugar.
@novembercirese I like chai tea.
Lemon water is good. 
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LOL about your mom taking a shitfit in your dream
@itsjustmarina ikr?
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I love listening to songs when i know all the words… mabye because i like singing along
@notyourneurotypicalgirl Yepp
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So I came back to listen to that song, Oh brother! I use to listen to that all the time when I was a tween/teen back in the day I LOVE THE 80S!
@mermycohea I love Jermaine. <3
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