

That is what I have in my head atm. Love that song.

I have bad news, I have another bad tooth. I want it extracted very soon… bc it hurts badly when I chew… Mom says that it’s probably rotten. 🙁 It’s a molar too. 🙁 sighs deeply …. so hopefully I can get it extracted or something…. maybe a root canal? IDK. I am not a dentist. All I know is that it fucking hurts….

So, what is up with my lovelies??

I am going to brush my teeth and then chill out, 🙂 


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not a bad song, if i didnt have other music on, your mentioning it would be enough to get it stuck in my head 🙂

@notyourneurotypicalgirl I love this song’s engergy. :)“

May 16, 2021

Not a bad song at all

May 16, 2021

I’m so sorry about your tooth.  There is nothing, but nothing, like tooth pain.  I hope you get to a dentist pronto quicko.

@novembercirese Hopefully tomorrow…

May 16, 2021

Sorry to hear about your tooth. I hope it can be repaired and not extracted.

May 16, 2021

I have a hurting tooth too.  Only I’ve beaten it into (temporary I’m sure) submission with boat loads of acetaminophen.  Cuz it’s implants & you know what the damage is to get those repaired!  Zillions, & your first born …

May 17, 2021

@alluringnorthernbeauty Maybe you don’t have a first born wo will only need to come up with the zillions.  Or vice versa …😉