Relationships & Sex
I was just thinking of my relationship with Michael and a part of me misses it. I dont miss the craziness, the pain i endured, but I miss the friendship and the sex we had. I dont want to compare my relationships since no two are the same but I dont have that with Ale right now. We used to be all over each other, but now its boring and I dont want it. I miss the excitment of touching each other so desperately like when you touch someone for the first time. You get a rush of adrenline and your mind is going a zillion miles a minute and you dont notice that you are holding your breath until you exhale. Thats the feeling I want. I wont cheat on him, thats not my thing, and I love him too much to let go, so what do I do now?
I know its me, because he is nothing but sweet to me, yet I feel that I dont want that. I want a challenge, and honestly Michael was always a challenge, even now as friends he still challenges me in so many ways. I do miss him and I feel we lost our friendship, but i refuse to think we cant be in each others lives, because we have already learned from each other what we needed to learn. AHHHHHHHHH!!!! i’m so confused and honestlty this only happens when Michael is in the picture. I should let go completely, since jsut writing about it cause a wave of memories that bring, embaressment, happiness, pleasure but deep heartache.Okay enough no more Michael.
This sounds familiar. I hope that things get better for you soon. Maybe you should talk to him. Take care hun.
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thank u for ur sweet note… so who IS amy?
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