Year in review….
1. what did you do in 2003 that you`d never done before? Something illegal.
2. did you keep your new years` resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didnt make any last year..but this year I AM going to quit smoking and I am going to get out of debt at least by half.
3. did anyone close to you give birth? No
4. did anyone close to you die? Alot of my families friends have passed this year.
5. what countries did you visit? None.
6. what would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003? More money to give my boys more than they ask for
7. what dates from 2003 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? October 11. I turned 30 and everyone made a BIG thing about it.
8. what was your biggest achievement of this year? New wedding ring, newer car and new job.
9. what was your biggest failure? Don’t think I have a major one.
10. did you suffer illness or injury? none to speak of
11. what was the best thing you bought? My rings and my car
12. whose behavior merited celebration? Tylers…LOL..
13. whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Cody…its puberty I know.
14. where did most of your money go? For my husbands hobbies…currently at 67 volkswagen bug.
15. what did you get really, really, really excited about? New house
16. what song will always remind you of 2003? Don’t know.
17. compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier.
ii. richer or poorer? richer…as in love money doesnt count.
18. what do you wish you`d done more of? Talk to old friends
19. what do you wish you`d done less of? Time at the football field..
20. how did you spend Christmas? With ALL the families, at different times..too hectic
21. what was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in 2003? My husband puking all over steak and shake the first night we go out with new friends.
22. did you fall in love in 2003? Nope..unless a cat counts
23. how many one-night stands? None..although I can dream.
24. what was your favorite TV program? CSI and Without a trace.
25. do you hate anyone now that you didn`t hate this time last year? Nope.
26. what was the best book you read? I read to many books to keep track.
27. what did you want and get? New wedding set and car and house.
29. what did you want and not get? Move to CA or AZ
30. what was your favorite film of this year? Don’t really have a favorite
31. what did you do on your birthday? Spent the day at the football field, got embarassed to death, went out with friends and my husband puked everywhere
32. what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Money to pay off debit collectors so they would quit calling.
33. how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2003? pjs,pjs,pjs.I live in them from the time I get home..I even go to the grocery in them.
34. what kept you sane? Never been sane so I dont know.
35. which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? None.
36. what political issue stirred you the most? The War.
37. who did you miss? My best friend of 15 years. she got married and moved to west virginia and we havne’t seen each other since her wedding in may.
38. who was the best new person you met? My new friends from the football board.
39. tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003. I learned a lot of lessons, but the one that sticks. Don’t let others thoughts of you, bother you.
40. quote a song lyric that sums up your year. Don’t have a clue..LOL
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