Good news and Great News
I dont have a whole lot of time to write, as I need to get dinner started, but I had a few things I wanted to say…
First off, THANK YOU to anyone that voted for my ex sis in law. She WON the contest. She called me this morning at 9:30 in tears cause she had just heard her name called on the radio station. She is off to nashville in April some time.
I am still sore and stiff from my wreck. My left shoulder and arm is killing me the worst due to the seatbelt pulling me on impact. But I am functioning…If I forgot to write about it, I hit a deer on my way to work Thursday, not sure if I posted the pictures here or not…
Ok, sooo, on Friday, my boss calls me to her office to let me know that this Friday coming up will be my last day with the company. I am still working through a temp agency, and due to the fact that I finished the last big project they had for me, they no longer need me. She did let me know that she was trying to find me a position in the company doing something similiar, but I am not going to hold my breath on it, as they have let a lot of people go recently it seems.
The boys had a great Easter, and I posted the pictures, I look like a bloated balloon in the pics, I am still so puffy from the accident, I swear I swelled all over.
TODAY, I get home from work and check my email and there is a reply to an email resume I had sent out over the weekend. So I reply back and the guy calls me right away and I have an interview Wednesday at 4:30. The guy was really easy to talk to and I told him about having til the end of the week with the place I am at. I am hoping it will go well.
Decision time. I am trying to decide about my nose being pierced. While I really really like it, I am thinking it may not be a good thing for me to have now. Its one thing working through a temp agency, but at a “real” job, not that temp jobs aren’t real but…., I dont think it would be as acceptable. So I am thinking of taking it out and being done with it.
Ok, on to making dinner. I will be back on later and catch up on notes and suchs…