Many of the things I do, I don’t understand.
It’s almost like a lover who watches as they cut the life out of their body.
Things have s way of sneaking up on me, and I dont know who to turn to.
Running to a parent seems like a good thing, Until I remember that in telling them, I would break their hearts.
So, through the years, I’ve kept it all inside, only letting paper know who I really am.
Sometimes, I wonder what it would say to me, the paper, if it could talk.
Would it tell me that how utterly potheic I am? How much of a waste of life?
Would it tell me to stop writing about sucide? Just go do it?
But, poetry is my one outlet. In my poems I can dream, and no one can tell me no.
Poetry is my life, yes, It saved me many times.
Now I find my words all disappering. A soul gone to rest.
Please come back to me. I need you.
…I… need… you…
~ Witch