
Still sick, although I certainly on the mend. 

Back to work today.  The receptionist broke her arm badly on the weekend and had surgery yesterday, so not sure when we will see her again.  Another girl has a similar sickness to the one I am getting over, so she wasn’t in today.  All the secretaries are irritated at being short staffed.  I felt guilty for a split second for taking yesterday off due to illness, but that passed.  I am a good employee and I am entitled to take a day off when I am genuinely sick, regardless of how bad the timing is.  I have done the hard yards when we have been short staffed multiple times and sure, it’s shitty, but isn’t that part of working in a team? 

Am feeling extremely frustrated at the shitheap we are living in.  The extension is just piled with our shit.  There is nowhere to put things, no drawers, no shelves, no cupboards.  Tonight I worked on cleaning out the crap that got shoved into the bookcase so that we can try and store small items we need for cooking, toiletries etc.  I also sorted through a pile of my clothes that came from the closet in our apartment.  There is no room in the closet in the bedroom for my stuff (seeing as my WIFE packed it FULL of clothes) and I only have one measly drawer in the base of the bed for my clothes (seeing as my WIFE took the other two drawers, and the fourth drawer is for towels and sheets etc).  It’s so fucking frustrating have literally nowhere to store my clothes other than in a big bag.  

We can’t put furniture against the walls in the extension because the fucking thing leaks, so it’s this stupid maze getting in and out of there.  It’s absolutely wasted space because it’s so disorganised, and it’s overwhelming trying to find places for things when there are NO PLACES for things.

I guess I’m in more of a foul mood than I realise.

Most of my textbooks arrived while I was away.  So depressing to look at that pile and think about the money I had to spend on them.  And the time I need to pull from my ass to read them.  

Uhhh everything is just so annoying right now.  

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July 12, 2013

I get in those moods too 🙁 They’re just horible.