
I’m alex

im terrible at writing in a diary or journal so i’m gonna try this out. I have anxiety and a dissociative disorder, but am feeling better now. i’m out of school, just graduated and am taking an ssri. i have a job, plans for my gap year, and a place at uni studying what i want to do. i’ve even been chatting with my therapist about ending our sessions soon.

I thought it would be nice to share my success as a reminder that having a good day more than 50% of the time is possible and wonderful. i will also probably complain a fair bit – so remember that there will always be downs. but more importantly always ups too.

love you, alex

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2 days ago

Hello Alex and welcome to Open Diary! I often say life is a matter of perspective, it’s not always possible to look to the sunny side of life, but if the good outshines the gray than life is good.

I wish you all the best!