2017 Flew By So Fast — And, Then…
2017 flew by so fast — and, then, it was January 1, 2018.
It didn’t even seem as if Christmas could have come and gone.
And, now, it’s a whole month later!
I entered a contest yesterday (which was both the last day of January and the 73rd birthday of my cousin, Phil).
This will link you to my contest entry — which is pretty ambitious…actually, I’m going to give you a choice of links.
The first one is fixed to show that I referred you to Writing.com should you decide to become a member, and the second one doesn’t.
Naturally, I would rather that you click on the first one — which doesn’t force you to become a member but just records me as referring you if you DO decide to join — but I hope that you’ll at least click on one or the other, as it would be a good way to find out how I spent the last several months.
1. https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2147693-Dear-Me–Ive-Created-A-Time-Capsule#?rfrid=ainsleyjo
2. https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2147693-Dear-Me–Ive-Created-A-Time-Capsule#
To best sum things up, a lot of the past year has been spent working on something that I’m now referring to as “THE BIG PROJECT” — which is a kind of communications center that I’ve already named, but the name won’t become public until the site (which is located at Writing.com) grand-opens.
I can’t remember exactly when some sort of the flu caught up with me — thankfully, it put off happening until sometime after the big celebration of Larry “The CanMan” VanNess’s 70th Birthday. I would have hated to have been too sick to go to that.
About a year and a little over a week ago, we found ourselves with a new POTUS in The White House…….and let’s just say that it would be a gross understatement to say that it has been an interesting year…enough said (for now, anyway)…
Anyway, it seems as if there’s some record of my being here after all, and it looks as if there have even been a few entries made here by me in the past. Going to sign off for now and check out what I was thinking way back when…
I’m supposed to write some kind of note here, but I think I’ve pretty much said it all in the actual entry — so, I guess that all I need to say now is “Thanks for dropping by to read this!”
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