Ghosts of the past..

So, I’m eating Breton crackers and listening to Bette Midler’s “Wind Beneath my Wings” and just farting around… it is almost 5a. I got my tablet, not an iPad but a Samsung, $130. Not bad at all. I went clothes shopping yesterday and I bought some fuzzy slippers. All the summer stuff was pretty much gone. But I did get two sweaters, two sweatpants which if you know me, I practically live in them… and pjs, socks, and some other items. I don’t need much, I have stuff from last year too.
I am going to get a pink Switch next month when I will have the funds. $500 to be exact. Plus in November, I will be buying Bees her birthday meal from Swiss Chalet along with Julz. I will buy Bees a quarter chicken dark meat meal, same with Julz but I will have the quarter chicken white meat meal. I hate dark meat. Always have. Too greasy.
I have the CMHA meeting today and my bath also… I will have to go to Robbin’s IDA and get some body wash and shampoo + conditioner combo… also next month. So, and October means Fright Fest on AMC which fucking rocks!!
Simming stuff coming soon…
@socialdistancing Life is strange but wonderful non?
@ailurophileforever Indeed it is!
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I know the Swiss chalet is a christian place because all their profits go to the church so I don’t go there. And I find what they have is very expensive.
Question? Do you pay rent where you live?
@jaythesmartone Yes. But my sister is worth it.
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enjoy!!! and those kitties are adorable
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I want a pink Switch! But I need the funds for other things. Enjoy yours when you get it!
@soldis TY
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