Regaining My Social Butterfly Status

Friday evening I sat in the house bored out of my mind. Then I realized that I wasn’t just bored out of my mind this Friday, but every Friday since the honeymoon. My social life came to a dead end once the wedding was over. Partly because some folks wanted to give me time to "adjust" to married life and just enjoy my new husband, while with others, I just had a lost connection. It’s so easy to get lost in the wedding process, and dear God, I was drowning in it. Now that the hoopla is over I find myself standing in the middle of my living room saying ummm…where my girls at? I also discovered that I had no I.D.E.A. where my girls were! I felt lost, alone, and trapped. My social life was dead. J asked if I wanted him to get off of work early, and we go out for a night on the town. For those that don’t know, he works Friday and Saturday nights, getting off at 5am. I told him no, that’s ok. I wanted to scream NO! I’m ALWAYS with you! That’s not a bad thing. I love my husband and thoroughly enjoy him, but I am a social person and I desparately missed being social.

So, I decided to watch a movie, but was told that movie was just "ok", and if I’m already feeling blah, I don’t want to sit here watching a bla movie. I posted that on facebook. My friend Toya told me she was going out to Alero with a girlfriend of hers and that I was free to go.Fantastic! I got dolled up and practically broke my neck getting out the door!

I arrived to alero and it was a whole bunch of people there. Apparently she wasn’t aware that they were going to have a surprised going away party for her since she’s moving back to Ohio next week. We had a great time! And I? I came home motivated like a crazy woman. All of a sudden I was ready to tackle everything! Unpacking boxes, getting tutoring stuff together for the tutoring ministry I have at church, etc. etc. I didn’t know being social was my motivation.

I spent money I don’t have, but I needed to get out of this house, and I’m sooo freakin glad I did! I needed that. It was a breath of fresh air. I sit in this apartment everyday just job searching, getting frustrated because no one’s buying what I’m selling. Then I get ready for J to come home, get dinner started, eat dinner with him, go for a walk, watch tv, then go to bed. I HATE having a routine. It’s not me. That’s not who I am. So I needed to do something, ANYTHING on Friday. And man, it woke me up.

God Speed,

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