Current Shiznit

current book:  Polaroids from the dead – Douglas Copeland
current shame-inducing guilty pleasure: Dr. Phil (don’t judge me dude)
current colors: Purple
current link:
current fetish: Cooking from scatch
current drink: Fresh iced tea
current songs: Little Lion Man – Mumford and sons
current movie:  UP
current wish-list: This
current needs: Less stress
current triumph(s): I haven’t felt triumphant about anything in a while.
current bane(s) of my existence: The cat, who has decided to pee everywhere but his box.
current indulgence: Too much internets
current blessing: The check that came in the mail today.
current slang or saying: Boo Ya! and Bromance
current outfit: Anything I can get over my belly.
current excitement/anticipation: Popping this kid out.
current mood: Depressed
current desktop background: babydonald.jpg picture by locke403
current food craving: I just had shrimp scampi (homemade goodness)
current work-out: Chasing my two year old up three flights of stairs.










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April 9, 2010

RYN: My attempt basically went like this. One! ish! Owowow. Tw..two? Oh god… Three maybe, half way, shaking… And cue collapse. I’m very happy that I’ve discovered incline push ups, I did some on the wall today and it was still agony, but at least I could DO them instead of melting into a giant puddle of fail. Speaking of puddles, I hope the kitty pee eases up, that stuff is so stinky.

April 10, 2010