Sticky fingers

Warning…. don’t read any further if you are eating

Oh great – some use that was…   don’t say I didn’t warn you.


I go to a cafeteria at one of the places I teach at… great place – love lassis (not lassies – although they are sweet too) but the lassis are very good and home made.

Anyway…. drink too much and you must peeeeee

so I go to the bathroom

and after touching the door handle of the cubicle I have sticky fingers..

now I know different kinds of sticky… and I strongly suspect this is the sticky you’d rather not unknowingly touch.

So I cleaned my fingers… nooooo I didn’t lick them  (ha  made you have a sick visual in your mind LOL)

and it got me to thinking…

In our day to day lives how many people do we come across that may not have cleaned their hands.

They may have been having some tug of war with the monkey and then realised they were late for work… zoom out of the house and head to their respective jobs – proudly giving their first client they meet a handshake.

No one gives a second thought about handshakes eh?  I can’t help but ponder nowdays

I know I must have been guilty of it at some stage… I don’t think we intentionally head out after willy wonders and then go

Ha haaa another unsuspecting victim

but then that brings me back to the handle of the door…. what the heck was happening… was it intentional? 

stop laughing at me… or cringing… LOL

has anything like that happened to you?


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June 10, 2013

Lol! How about handling money – that’s supposed to be one of the dirtiest things on the planet!

July 9, 2013

When I use a public toilet and wash my hands I always use the hot air blower if there is one, much more sanitary.