yeah…about that…

Hey again boys, girls, and those with a little of both.

oh, where to start, it’s been such a fun adventure since last we met. I suppose it’s only fair to my readers to start from what i can recall to be the beginning.

Ok, so there’s this girl that i kinda like, ya know, fun to hang around with, loves to laugh, fun to torment (insert evil giggle here).  But she’s got kinda low self esteem, and she knows i like her. she likes me.  Then the problem comes.  A girl I’ve liked for years asked me out.  Now, we have a past, some good, but there was alot of pain in there too. No, we’ve never gone out or anything like that, we’ve just been friends forever.  now, I really like this girl, and this could make me really happy, but A) i could wind up getting hurt, and B) i dont wanna hurt the girl i was talking about before.  Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

Which brings me to my next mini-rant: My ex-girlfriend from the beginning of the school year is talking to me again, bringing up all those wonderful hours of pain and self loathing i went though after i screwed up and lost her.  We didn’t leave on the best of terms either.  anywho, just to get all that away and gone.


Abruptly switching topics, im getting my hair cut in about 15-20 minutes here, im thinking about getting the sides short so the curls are gone, but leave the top and front long, i think it’ll look pretty kool.  anywho, just thought you’d all like to know.  now, ON TO THE MUSIC!


Song of the Day

Nice Guys Finish Last


Nice guys finish last.
You’re running out of gas.
Your sympathy will get you left behind.
Sometimes you’re at your best, when you feel the worst.
Do you feel washed up, like piss going down the drain

Pressure cooker pick my brain and tell me I’m insane.
I’m so fucking happy I could cry.
Every joke can have its truth and now the joke’s on you.
I never knew you were such a funny guy.

Oh nice guys finish last, when you are the outcast.
Don’t pat yourself on the back, you might break your spine.

Living on command.
You’re shaking lots of hands.
Kissing up and bleeding all your trust, taking what you need.
Bite the hand that feeds.
You lose your memory and you got no shame.


Nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

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hey, i think you should ask out the girl that you like (the one who has low self-esteem) cuz if the other girl has hurt u before then she can hurt u again. Plus you’ve never gone out with the other chick so y not give her a try? Always here for help,

December 7, 2004

hi…wow it sounds like you have quite the dilemma here, i think that you should go with your heart and pick the one that you truely think will be good for you, i mean you already know the one girl and you know that she has hurt you once before so maybe it’s time to try a relationship with someone new. 🙂 hope your day is great ~krissie~

wow it looks like a lot of people are against me.. so just go out with the other chick. and just for all those readers out there… u dont understand wat has all happened between us so u dont know how we both got you can all shut up.. i love u nick… but if u dont think its right then go for the other girl.. love always !emily~

hey. i don’t know the one chick, but the one with the low self esteem is emily, right?? and like not that i have anything against you two dating, but i think that you two should just be friends, because like i don’t want either of you two to get hurt, because i love you both, and like if you would break up, then emily would like hate me if i still hung around you, matt, kelby, and those people..

ya know?? .. ok, well thats my opinion, and my helpful thoughts, even though they probably didn’t help.. love ya and see ya tomorrow.. xoxo

hey.. nice diary just a random note.. and um. i love greenday

HEY MAN. All i have to say is follow your heart. If this old girlfriend of your really likes you then she will wait. See you two broke each others hearts once. Dont do it again. Cause you could have something great with the one that you were talking to. I am not always like this but i just wanted to help. Cause my last friend shadowgang Doesnt come on anymore. Well anyways. Love you friend Mandy!!

Nick- I say follow what you think will be right. You obviously don’t want to hurt anyone here, and that’s really, really good. Nobody likes to be hurt, especially YOU. If you’re afraid of getting hurt by the girl, maybe you should give the new girl a shot. You could make her self-esteem flourish and see an inner-beauty that she only shows to people who deserve it! Keep in touch -Elle

Nick- Read your note, thanks for keeping in touch. I’m not sure what I think it is, I guess I just want him so bad. But, he also likes this other girl, but annoys the heck outta her because he like, stalks her. He’s my friend, we’re great friends actually, I guess I just want to be more than that :S. Keep in touch, do you have MSN or AIM? -Elle