What Are You?

It’s been a long time since anything useful came out of here. Just saying.

I"m spending this summer working at a day camp for little Jewish kids. I enjoy it for the most part, but there’s one thing I want to address about my experiences there. and that, children, is the culture shock I put most of these people through. Let me set the scene: really nice camp, kids get bussed in from the big city, spend the day and go home for dinner. these kids, and most of the counselors for that matter are….delicate. They are always well dressed (for summer camp), the kids have every video game system known to man. the counselors play tennis at the country club on the weekends. These are my wards and co-workers. there is NOTHING wrong with this. in fact, I’m glad they have what they have, but here’s where I take exception: I’m not like them, and I’m looked down on for it.

A little about myself: I’m from a LOWER (and I mean low) middle class family. At the last family wedding and last family funeral, flannel was the most common attire. I drink beer, whiskey and anything cheap. I’m a textbook redneck, my table manners are terrible, I’m crass, rude, and I cuss enough to make a trucker blush. I’m agnostic, and I don’t care WHAT you believe in, I’ll argue against it. I get in fights (sometimes even win) .I go to concerts for the mosh pits. I drive like a lunatic and I believe that a time out is something you give a kid so they have time to stop seeing stars after you discipline them. I’ve never had a pet cremated, but I’ve dug a few holes in the back yard.

I’m a college graduate with a genius level intellect. I hold a degree in biology and know more about the human body than 90% of people my age. I’m shipping out in October to enlist in the army because I believe men are responsible for making their world better. My family is broke but any one of us would give you anything we had if you asked.  My father busted his ass to feed us, and I’m damn proud of him for it.  My mother raised me to be kind, to help people and to not take an ounce of bullshit.  I’m GOING to mean something someday and nothing will get in my way for long.

You can look down on my upbringing, and I won’t give half a flying fuck about it.  You ca be amazed that I don’t own a suit, but I promise my coffin is gonna look a whole lot cooler than yours.  you can scoff at my tattoos, and I’ll happily tell you to eat shit.  I know that when all is said and done, I’m the better person, even if I am white trash.

Now the question is: what are you?

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July 17, 2011

I also come from less. Always strive to be more. You said it, man.