too damn warm

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. 12:11 AM, and im sweating like a prostitute in church. it’s really friggin humid, about 76 degrees in my house. those of you who know me would see the problem here: i sweat when im ice-fishing. think about what’s going on now. so yeah, thats some fun shit right there. ANYHOO, not a whole lot has happened since last we met. anywho, this dman bug keeps crawling on the screen, and im not coordenated enough to get it. it bothers me. so i’ll wrap it up shirtly here, just letting you all know that im still alive and eatin. also, and i feel like a total ass about this, but michelle, if you’re reading this, i dont konw who you are, but it seems like you know me. *hangs head in embarassment* im terrible at remembering people. anywho, enough of me and my late night sweaty escapades (that sounded dirty). ON WITH THE MUSIC!!!!!

Song of the Day

I Can See You

by: Black Flag

I can see you

You can see me

I can hear you

You can hear me

I can feel you

You can feel me

I can see you

You can see me

I can hear you

You can hear me

I can feel you

You can feel me


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back

I can see you

You can see me

I can hear you

You can hear me

I can feel you

You can feel me

I can see you

You can see me

I can hear you

You can hear me

I can feel you

You can feel me


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back

I can see you

You can see me

I can hear you

You can hear me

I can feel you

You can feel me

I can see you

You can see me

I can hear you

You can hear me

I can feel you

You can feel me


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back


Stab me in the back

I can feel you

Really, I can,


nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

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April 20, 2005

er, interesting song. and it is too hot out side, i swear i got dislusional walking to the library. o.0 Yeah, so, ‘bye. x amanda

Ha.thanks for the note.yeah I had to TRY *N* lift 65 6 times in 3 sets.I was about to die.Then lifting 10-15 8 times in 3 sets.I was TIRED!I am so SORE today.I could barely get ready this morning.LOL.TTYL!cool diary!how old are you?im 15.

April 20, 2005

that last line sounded really dirty nick. lol poor u, go swimming or spray urself with the hose, that’ll make u feel better. bye luv {mon}

April 20, 2005

dont remember people, make then remmeber u, then after time ull figure it out.

haha ur funny…a prostitute in church…ur naughty! hehe thanx for the note! 🙂 hope u have fun sweating! hehe take care!