To djzombie, a true warrior for good.

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. im over at laura’s house right now as she gets ready for danhce, so i cant write a massive post, but i’ll keep you all updated.

im leaving for washington DC this coming monday after school as part of a pride conference. pride, for those of you who dont know, is a national organization against drug and alchohol abuse. my coach thought it was for homosexuals, matt set him straight, no pun intended.

tracks been going ok, but im getting massive shin splints whenever i run. trainer kyle says it’s becuase my shoes are falling apart…he’s prolly right.

and now for the deep part. a guy i iknow from a message board is a welfare worker in austrailia, as some of you may remember from a previous post. well, he took one for the team the other day. he got stabbed by a dysfunction client, in the arm and in the ribs.

“Well, I was on day-shift for the day and I was Senior worker so I have to deal with difficult clients. I had to ban a particular client as he was rather disruptive at a group counselling session that I was running, it didn’t help that he hit another client.

Well on Saterday he came back and wanted to get back on the books, this way he can get disability payments from the Govt. I told him that he couldn’t come back. He left very pissed off, I later found out that he went to a $2 shop and got a kitchen knife. He came back and threatened our receptionist Kelly. I came out into the entry and thats when the shit hit the fan!

He came at me and I do remember blocking a knife thrust with my right arm, hence getting cut.

Then he thrust at my ribs just grazing them.

I’ve got 10 stiches on my ribs and 6 stiches on my arm. The rotten bugger ruined my fav “the cure” T-shirt!

Kelly our very brave respectionist grabed our trusty baseball bat and took a few wild swings at the bastard. One conected and broke the arm holding the knife! The ex-client ran off but was caught by the police an hour later.

I was in hospital for a night an I checked myself out. I’ve been given 4 days off then I’ll back on “light duties”.

djZombie lord of the monkeys who have stiches”

keep on trucking djZombie, you’re doing good in this world.

till things are brighter. nick.

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April 5, 2006

haha i thought that actually happened to you. good thing i double checked. u spelt satUrday wrong by the way. lata