the helping, stubby fingered hand

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. yes, i do live, but life, at present is nothing much to live for. (that means im bored off my ass)

so i’ve been making friends with some of you, and some friends of friends, etc., and have been reminded of why i started this OD anyway. and that is to help people.

and so, i would like to put out this public service announcement: ATTENTION ALL UNDERCLASSMEN, this entry is an offer to help you with anything you need, be it school related, relationship related, anything of the sort. just leave me a note or check with manda (if you know who she is) for my email. i’d be happy to help you out with any homework or personal issues may have. if you want, do it ananymusly (it’s a damn good thing i spell well), and i’ll either make an entry or a note to help out. who knows, maybe if this works out well i can start “mr. nicks after school assistance”. ok, well, maybe not that last part but i’d like to help if anybody needs it. yup, just wanted to put that out there. END TRANSMISSION.

till things are brighter.


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November 18, 2006

anonymously 😀 that’s for kesterday… it wasn’t kunny, damnit. anyhow, helping people is always a good thing. dustin really truly is your miny me. you’re alike in a lot of ways. thanks for the help so far- <3 amanda

November 18, 2006

p.s. love the title 😀

November 18, 2006

its amazing what people are willing to do for others. i can tell your an amazing person, you really shine. i do have a problem, maybe ill make an entry about it and if you could help, that would be amazing. (i say amazing alot). well, im out of here. later days <3jen

November 18, 2006

Thanks for the note, and i will FORSURE keep you up to that English offer. How old are you anyway? just wondering- thanks again- h.a.r.t

November 19, 2006

checkers with your cat?? -clueless- <3 amanda

November 25, 2006

hey nick, i was wondering if you could help me. guys are intimidated by me apparently and they won’t date me because of it. people say i’m too smart or too tall or i have too big of a puerto rican ass, etc…it annoys the hell out of me. do you have any advice? talk to you later! ^_^

November 28, 2006

yeah, i guess you’ve got some truth to your words. We wouldn’t appreciate it if we didn’t work for it. But why does happiness have to be something you work toward? To everyone else, it seems to come so easily…. and I’m here shut up in the dark. I’m worried about every dagger that makes a stabbing motion in my hands. Trust me- there are a lot of them. I hope I’m not stabbing you in the back too.

November 28, 2006

That’s the last thing that has to happen after the way you’ve helped me. I don’t know anymore. I really don’t. hugs amanda