survey time! or IM REALLY BORED

Name: Nick

Age: 16

Gender: male

Height: 5’8″

Birthday: december 13

Hair Color: brownish

Describe yourself in one word: cuddly

Describe your personality in one word: …unstable?

.:School Life:.

What grade are you in: will be 11

What school do you go to: west bend east

And where is that: uh, west bend?

Do you get good grades: meh, b’s and c’s

Favorite Subject: history

.:Love Life:.

Sexual Preference: straight

Do you have a bf/gf: yes

If so,what is their name: laura

How long have you been dating: going on 2 months

Have you had your first kiss: my momma told my not to kiss and tell

If so,when: see above

Do you have a crush: uh, see above??

If so,what is their name: N/A

Why do you like them: n/a

Do they know you: n/a

Do they know that you like them:n/a

How long have you known them: n/a


Best Friend(s): kelby and the matt

How long have you been friends: meh, team mates first, friends for about a year and a half

Do you consider yourself a good friend: like to think i am

How many friends do you think you have: hell if i know

Most popular: stacy

Most conceited: see above

Friendliest: yup, stacy’s uber-friendly *wink*

Meanest: me

Prettiest: laura

Craziest: toss up, me, the matt, or kelby

Oldest: dunno

Youngest: freshmen chris

Most recent: missy (met her tonight)

Smartest: im gonna have to call that one


Food: yup

Person: laura

Number: 13

Show: full metal alchemist

Letter: two of them: FU!

Song: cochise, by audioslave

Band/Singer: sublime

Place in the world: marcus amphitheatre

Season: football season


Dream Vacation: guam

Dream House: the adams family mansion

Dream Room: all black, but with lyrics written on the walls with black light paint, and a black light strobe

Location: my bed

.:Last Time You:.

Watched T.V.: about an hour ago

Went to the bathroom: about 3-4 hours ago

Ate: 2 seconds ago

Slept: 2 days ago

Listened to music: listening to it now

Used the phone: this evening

IMed someone/Got an IM: yesturday, i think

Went to school: last friday, but not to learn

Played a game: does light the lawn on fire count?

Took a shower: this afternoon

Hugged someone: about 3 hours ago

Went on a date: last night

Wrote a letter: been a while

Cried: dunno

.:Last Person You:.

Hugged: laura

Kissed: laura

Laughed at: myself

Cried over: emily

IMed/Got an IM from: jen i think

Hurt: matt, i punched him good

Talked to: my dad

Spoke to on the phone: my stoopid sister

Ate with: my family

Spent time with: laura

Saw: my dad

Missed: laura

Heard: my dad

Played with: laura

.:Have You Ever:.

Been out of the country: canada, so, not really

Been out of state/province: yup

Done drugs: nope

Done anything illegal: well, heheh, actually, i cant tell you, i’d have to kill you

Slapped someone: yup

Cut yourself: yeah

Played an instrument: does the nose harp count?

Hurt someone for no reason: yup (sorry the matt)

Hurt someone: yeah

Killed an insect/bug: uh, yes?

Gotten stung by a bee: countless times, flying bastards

Lied to your parents: yup

Stole Something: laura’s hair tie, nothing big tho

Kissed Someone: yes

.:This Or That:.

Rock or Rap: rock

Singing or Songwriting: songwriting

Tennis Shoes or Sandals: boots

Phone or Computer: ‘puter

Biking or Skating: biking

Analog or Digital: analog

Coke or Pepsi: pepsi

Sprite or Sierra Mist: sprite

MTV or VH1: VH1

R&B or Country: only old school country, none of that new shit

Cingular or T-Mobile: cingular

Cats or Dogs: dogs

AIM or Yahoo: msn

Bzoink or Quizilla: quizilla

.:Word Association:.

Birthday: suit

Peanut: butter

Good Charlotte: shit

Ravioli: the chef

President Bush: r-tard

T.V.: dinner

Rock: and roll

Rap: shit


Boys: football

Girls: torment

Calendar: year

Fan: fiction

Evil: kenevel

.:Right Now:

Eating: m&m’s

Drinking: aldi’s cola

Watching: history channel

What is on your mousepad: the rosetta stone

What are you doing: trying to stay awake

What song are you listening to: caress me down, by sublme

What’s in your CD player: the beatles 1 album

Wearing: TOOL shirt, black pants, socks

Time: 1:17 AM

Month: july

Day of the Month: 3rd

Year: 2005

Day of the week:…sunday?

What website are you on: never mind

.:Random Things:.

What color is your mousepad: black

What color is your keyboard: greyish

What is the phrase you use the most online: sounds like a plan

Did you like this survey: meh, i’ve seen better

Are you sad that it’s over: not really, now i can sleep

What are you gonna do after this survey is over: sleep

Do you like pop-up ads: hate them with a firey passion

How long have you been online: long enough to rot my eyes out of their sockets

nothing form nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

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July 3, 2005

wow, that was a long survey. now i know u better. bye luv {mon}

July 8, 2005

lol hehe I know kinkie!! Huggs Mermz

November 21, 2006

man nick, ive been reading your past like, 5 entries, and man, that’s funny shit. you should re-read it. you’re a cool kid, nick part of the LFOP (think nick…. think!) <3 amanda