survey time!!!

*Name: Nick

-Name Backwards: kcin

-Meaning: Victory of the people

-Were you named after anyone: somebody in the bible, i think…

-Nick Name(s): nubbs, gengler, G, gengles

-Screen Name(s): SENO1234

-Date Of Birth: December 13, 1988

-Current Location: my living room

-Sign: sagitarious

-Religion: neo-pagan

-Height: 5’8’’

-Shoe Size: 10 1/2

-Hair color: light brown

-Eye color: dark brown

-Innie or Outie: innie

-Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous: lefty

-Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other: straight

*Who Is Your…

-Best friend(s): emily (both of ’em), ashley, the matt, kelby, stacey, the whole peanut gallery

-Crush: dana

-Parent(s): Mom and Dad

-Worst Enemy: they dont need to know…they’ll find out one night when they have an accident with a tire iron

-Funniest friend: hmmm…kelby, or the matt…we’re bad influenses

-Craziest friend: see above

-Loudest Friend: dana’s pretty loud, but i love her all the more for it

-Person you cry with: stoopid

*Do You Have…

-Any sisters: yeah, sarah

-Any brothers: yis: general Sherman

-Any pets: fish, 2 cats, and 3/4 of a dog (dont ask)

-A Disease: physical? no.

-A Cell phone: yes I do

-A Personal phone number: come again?

-A leather jacket with studs on it?: no studs, and it’s pleather thank you very much

-A heroin needle: what, like girl heroes? nope, none of them

-A Pool or hot tub: pool, but i go hot tubbing at the matts sometimes

-A Car: my baby, a 1986 chevy El Camino, it’s spanish for…the Camino

*Describe Your…

-Personality: im normally calm, but when i get wound up you haveta pull me off the walls lmao

-Driving: hehehe, pretty much the same

-Room: under construction

-Shoes: black tennis shoes, black boots, and my gross as hell work shoes

-Sandals: dont have any

-Bed: too small

-Relationship with your parent(s): pretty good, we make fun of eachothet alot

*Do You…

-Believe in yourself: yes

-Do you believe in love at first sight: …not sure

-Consider yourself a good listener: i like to think i am

-Consider yourself a good friend: yeah

-Get Along with your parents: most of the time

-Save your e-mail conversations: my inbox has stuff from ’02

-Believe in reincarnation: yeah, i like to think it’s real

-Like to make fun of people: only friends and loved ones

-Like to talk on the phone: not really…

-Like to drive: yep

-Get motion sickness: no

-Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: hell no

-Dream in color: yes

-Type with your fingers on home row: no

-Sleep with a stuffed animal: im a teddy bear, does that count?

*What Is/Are/Was…

-Right next to you: my imaginary friend

-On the walls of your room: posters, 2×4’s, a dart board

-On your mouse pad: the rosetta stone

-Your dream car: i already got mine

-Your dream date: see above

-Your dream honeymoon spot: not sure

-Your dream husband/wife: see above

-Your bedtime: normally? not soon enough

-Under your bed: monsters

-the single most important question: why?

-Your bad time of the day: right before lunch, hungry nicks are not happy nicks

-Your worst fear(s): mediocrity

-The time: 6:34

-The date: feb 22/05

-The best trick you ever played on someone: well, i organized a pencil drop in 7th grade

-The weirdest food or drink that you like: cooked carrots and ketchup

-The hardest thing about growing up: having to realize not everyone like to laugh as much as me

-Your funniest experience: lunch today, notebooks and pens were bitten, i turned purple. ’nuff said.

-Your scariest moment: when captian concussion passed out in his kitchen from sucking on a helium baloon

-The funniest or most desperate thing you’ve done to get the attention of the

opposite sex: hmm…not sure

-The craziest thing that’s ever happened while with your friend(s): “FIRE FIRE! GET THE HOSE” “IT’S NOT LONG ENOUGH” TWANG! “GET A BUCKET”

-The best feeling in the world: when im holding dana in my arms

-The worst feeling in the world: knowing your friends are hurting and you cant help them


-Number: 13

-Color: red

-Day: saturday

-Month: august

-Song(s): the beautiful people

-Movie: braveheart and remember the titans

-Season: fall

-Sport: football

-Class: gym

-Teacher: Gigante…hell no, it’s my goal to piss on her grave one day

-Drink: mountain dew

-Veggie: carrots

-Fruit: apple

-TV Show: family guy, simpsons, anything with a twsted sence of humor

-Radio Station: normally lazer 102.9 or ROCK 102.1

-Store: any given military surplus store

-Animal: irish wolfhounds, them things is huge!

-Flower: bleeding heart

-State: maryland


-Me/You: you

-Coke/pepsi: coke

-Day/night: night

-Aol/aim: both suck

-Cd/casette: cd

-Dvd/vhs: dvd

-Jeans/khakis: jeans

-Car/truck: el camino, so, both!

-Tall/short: tall

-Lunch/dinner: dinner

-NSYNC/BSB: i repeat, both suck

-Britney/Christina: see above

-Gap/Old Navy: both should burn

-Lipstick/Lip gloss: uh, no?

-Silver/Gold: gold

-Alcohol/Weed: no thanks, i choose dignity

-What is the one thing you would change about your past: i wouldnt have done my biggest regret

-Last thing you heard: hehe, my toilet flushing

-Last thing you saw: the fridge in my kitchen

-Last thing you said: “woah”

-Who is the last person you saw: the matt after i dropped him off at hime

-Who is the last person you kissed: dana

-Who is the last person you hugged: dana

-Who is the last person you fought with: fist fight? that matt in bio

-Who is the last person you were on the phone with: not sure, it was for my mom

-What is the last TV show you saw: hmmm…futurama last night


-What are you wearing: my ANTI-CROMBIE shirt, black jeans, my shoes, and my “we’re going streaking” boxers (spongebob)

-Who are you talking to: um, myself?

-What song are you listening to: South Texas Deathride by Union Underground

-Where are you: um, living room

-Who are you with: my folks are in the room too

-How are you feeling: tired, and i dont wanna go to work tomarrow

-Are you in a chat room: thats a big negatory good buddy


-What day is it tomorrow: wednesday

-What are you going to do after this: homework…if i feel like it

-Who are you going to talk to: dana, hopefully

-Where are you going to go: my room

-How old will you be when you graduate: heh, hopefully 18

-What do you wanna be: the ballon man at the zoo

-What is one of your dreams: to be remembered by people who dont know me

-where will you be in 25 years: gods willing, at home with my family after a long super bowl season


-Drank: nope

-Smoked: nope

-Sex: why do you wanna know? ya perve!

-Stolen : not that io cna remember

-Done anything illegal: i got a lead foot, thats about it

-Wanted to die: nope

-Hit someone: oh yeah, every day durring the fall


-Do you write in cursive or print: printing, i dont remember cursive

-Do you drive: yes, park? not so much

-Do you have glasses or braces: prolly should have both


-What do you most like about your body: my “huge” arms, they’re not that huge there rob

-And least: the tummy, granted,

it is soft and cuddly, and i can set things on it, but i hate keeping it sucked in all day at school, lmao

-How many fillings do you have: lemme count…1…2…3…i give up

-Do you think you’re good looking: meh, i dont look like a picasso painting, so im set

-Do you look like any celebrities: not really


-Do you wear a watch: yes

-How many coats and jackets do you own: my cold weather one, my hunting one, and my afore mentioned pleather one

-Favorite pants/skirt color: um, black?

-Most expensive item of clothing: my big pants, like 60 bucks

-Most treasured: my coat, i look kool in my coat

-What kind of shoes do you wear: either tennis shoes or combat boots

-Describe your style in one word: watered-down goth…wait, thats 2 words, damn.

-How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?): hehe, old enough to know better

-Describe yourself in 5 words: calm, calming, loveable, kind, level-headed

-What are your worst qualities: sloth

-What are your best qualities: i can make just about any situation seem better, that and if i cant get a laugh out of you, you’ve gotta be a corpse.

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February 22, 2005

wow, what a long survey, i just got tired of reading it. bye luv {mon}