sick as hell

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. now that im done with the whole serious thing, i’d like to amuse you with a little story about my night last night. i started feeling a little ookie about 3rd hour yesturday, but the nurse gave me some crackers and apple juice and that seemed to help..untill later that night. i was at a friend’s birthday party when i got hit by a round of the hershey’s. after people got comfey, i had to book it outa there. i dont think i ever got under 45 MPH on my way home i was in such a hurry. so i power-slide into my drive-way (quite an accomplishment in any other situation) and run, cheecks clenched, to the bathroom, when i proceeded to be sicker than i can ever remember being. little did i know that this was just the beginning of the night from HELL. if i got up once last night, i got up 15 times. each time was like crapping water, while dry-heaving into an old ice-cream bucket.

im slightly better now, as i haven’t ralphed in a few hours, but the crummy tummy is still there, so are the trots… so yeah, i had to leave twice while writing this to make a mad dash to the bathroom. i think im moving faster now than if the houds of Hell were after me. anywho, im gonna get going, try and sleep a little, who knows.

nothing form nowhere, im no one at all.nick.

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February 5, 2005

feel better nick, its sucks being sick, i hate it when i get sick. luv {mon}

hey nick, sorry to hear you’re sick. that really sucks. i hope you feel better soon, and i’m glad your whole ordeal is over with, as well as mine too! talk to you later! -Elle

Hey sweetie hope u get better soon. her party last night was pretty uneventful. lol. so u didnt’ miss much. love ya lots ~dana~

February 5, 2005

Feel better Love Always, Amanda

aww. feel better hun! xoxo