PR and other ramblings.

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. well, track season is going alright for me, i took a swing at some varsity throwing, but got my ass handed to me, so coach hogie sent me to JV. i must admit, jv makes me feel alot better. last night i took 3rd place out of about 20 throwers. (for those of you who dont know, i throw shotput now and discus durring the outdoor season) i also got my personal record, just 6 inches from my season goal. 39’6″. it took me two throws to, as hogie would say, get my head outa my ass. but i’ve got my PR, and my confidence back, so things are looking good for the portly guy in short shorts (just grossed myself out there for a second).

anywho, my sister is doing some report for one of her classes about homosexuality in the bible. so of course she’s got our 35 pound family bible sitting on the computer desk. this is right where i put my feet when im using the keyboard. now, normally i have no proplem putting my hooves on my sister’s work, but this was the bible. so, after i got it moved to a safely foot-free area, i got to thinking (a dangerous passtime, i know) im not catholic, or even christian officially. and yet, out of respect, i didnt rest my feet on it. a small gesture i know, but if you think about it, wouldnt that be how we solve all this crap in the middle east? dont blow up a temple out of respect for the people who died protecting it last week, dont shoot that soldier out of restpect for him having to sweat his sand-caked ass off in the dessert. dont frigging kill each other, out of respect for the god that created us. whether we call him God, Allah, Jesus, Yhwh, (s)he’s still god. so out of respect for a mutual creator from some time in the pre-historic era, dont kill that infidel, that insurgent, who knows, he could be your 89th cousin twice removed.

my question to you: when was the last time you did something strictly out of respect? im not talking about taking off your hat when they play the national anthem. unfortunatly, that is no longer respectful gesture, but a motor skill we learn by our 5th memorial day parade. i mean something that made you go out of your way, just to show that while you might not personally agree with something, you accept it as legitimate. maybe you’re straight, but kept your mouth shut on the day of silence. maybe you slow down when you drive past a graveyard, turn down teh radio going past a funeral home with cars in the parking lot. for an example, next time you see a flag being raised or paraded by, or when you hear the anthem next time, look around at the elderly people there. you’ll see them if they’re there. the men might stand up a fraction of an inch taller watching that flag go by, they’ll take off their hats, and they’ll show some respect for their brother’s soul still walking on the beaches of normandy. next time you hear Amazing Grace, look around for the elderly ladies singing, albeit a bit off key. they’ve seen enough to know that god exists, they’re the ones who’re sitting in church at all hours of the day, all day. they sing because maybe thats the only way they can get their voices all the way up to heaven with their families. thats respect boys and girls. you dont have to like it, but treat it equally to your beliefs. because even if you’re willing to die for your belief, there’s someone on the other side of the coin willing to die for theirs.

Song of the Day

Red White and Blue

by: lynyrd skynyrd

We don’t have no plastic L.A. friends

ain’t on the edge of no popular trend

ain’t never seen the inside of that magazine GQ

we don’t care if your a lawyer or a Texas oil man

or some waitress busting ass at some liquor stand

if you got soul we hang out with people just like you

Well my hairs turning white

my necks always been red

my collars still blue

we’ve always been here

just trying to sing the truth to you

guess you could say we’ve always been Red White and Blue

Ride our own bikes to Sturgis pay are own dues

smokin camels and drinking domestic brews

if you want to know where i’ve been just look at my hands

yeah i’ve driven by the white house and spent some time in jail

mama cried but she still wouldn’t pay my bail

i ain’t been no angel but even god he understands

My hairs turning white

my necks always been red

my collars still blue

we’ve always been here

just trying to sing the truth to you

guess you could say

we’ve always been red white and blue

yeah that’s right…..

My daddy worked hard and so have I

We paid our taxes and gave our lives to serve this great country

so what are they complaining about

yeah we love our families

we love our kids

you know it’s love that makes us all so rich

that’s where were at

if they don’t like it they can just…get the hell out! Yeah!

My hairs turning white

my necks always been red

my collars still blue

we’ve always been here

just trying to sing the truth to you

guess you could say

we’ve always been red white and blue

till things are brighter. nick.

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March 25, 2006

God, you really know how to make people think. <3 Manda

Ya know, it’s really creepy how alike we think. In fact, I did something out of respect just yesterday. and the day before that. and I’ll do it again today. The freaky part: I was humming Amazing Grace in the subway station for three days straight with no reasoning at all.

March 28, 2006

yea right….u so didn’t miss me. 😛 but thanks for the gesture. tis appreciated.

March 29, 2006

Well thank you. I’m always glad to be of service. Anyone who enjoys my entries and notes is always welcome. And I really was humming Amazing Grace at the subway station in Paris. Everyone was looking at me all crazy because they didn’t know the tune. I was just a tad embarassed. But everything happens for a reason. And yes, in case you’re still wondering, I am the “mystery noter.”

March 31, 2006

of course I won’t stop. u can’t get rid of me that easily. 😛